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And thus brings an end to the era of Emo Jaden U_U RIP 2006 - 2012 Kinda love the low-ponytail look as well though ToT

Speaking of era ends, my lesbihonest-art account (a sideblog) on tumblr was terminated, and when I tried to remake, they terminated my entire account permanently for it. It was surprising because I've never been terminated before - had the blog since 2017.

But yeah, not particularly motivated to start again on tumblr, and it'll probably be better for my level of focus that I don't. Lease Bound will be continuing as normal though, so if anyone's confused - still here! Not going anywhere.

I actually started paying for this website several years ago in anticipation I would be banned, so while I lasted a lot longer than I thought I would, it was always something I was ready for in the back of my mind.

More positively! I've updated the Meet the Cast page (looks best on desktop, lmao), and am looking to set up an FAQ page to replace the tag I had on the lesbihonest-art blog.

So I'd love to hear what you think of the new layout, and if you've got any questions you'd like to see featured on the FAQ, please send them my way!


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11 April 2022 12:17 PM

another great page rusty!! its so amazing seeing how far your art has developed and i swear it just keeps getting better and better every page. love the colours and jaden’s armpit hair peeking out from beneath her shirt as well as josie’s leg hair, hairy women ftw!

11 April 2022 6:30 PM

you’re not going to remake your tumblr? that’s really sad to hear 🙁 I always loved to read your blog in the morning and you were the first to make me peak!

Plum-headed Parakeet
Plum-headed Parakeet
12 April 2022 1:10 AM

Thank goodness it was just you revamping this site, I was fearful that this page got nuked too after I saw the tumblr ban

13 April 2022 9:43 PM

Oh dang I had just seen that you were termed again. I will miss your Tumblr reblogs but it’s understandable that you don’t want to go through all that again. I’ll just have to set an alarm to check the website lol
Great page as always! Poor Jaden she looks so tired. And rip the emo hair 🙁

13 April 2022 10:47 PM

Oh my god, did Josie gave Jacobus’ cap to Jacob ??? I didn’t even realize until now ! Oh Josie…

14 April 2022 12:39 PM

You’re someone who can actually write in a nuanced and real way about this misogynist hellscape that is life. Thank you. Your comic feels completely real. I’ve been reading for two years and look forward to more.

15 April 2022 3:14 PM

I sent you some asks about this on tumblr, but you began ignoring them because they made you uncomfortable, after angrily replying to me and accusing me of being condescending.

Anyway though – I seriously have to ask you again, what exactly made you think that you had the knowledge, the experiences or the right to write about some of the racial issues you’ve (presumably) unintentionally mishandled? This whole current storyline is telling us that little black boys are the enemy, that black families are dysfunctional and sexist (right down to Jacobus’ parents being pure evil) and all in a completely sterile, whitewashed setting that isn’t reflective of a Ghanaian family whatsoever.

One of the first scenes in your comic was three non-white women in a car together after one (Maybe two, Parniya had bruises too) of them was physically assaulted by a group of white men – and yet none of them commented on race at all. Obviously the out-of-universe explanation for this is that you correctly assumed that you were too uninformed to be able to portray it respectfully, but in-universe it makes absolutely no sense and stood out completely.

Again – you are white. Your wife is white. You live in a white-majority country and your friends are white, and the characters in your comic act, speak and hold values with white people. One of your main characters even LOOKS completely white in spite of her supposedly being half-Chinese – and her Chinese mother is clearly homophobic and abusive.

You, a white person, have made a comic which is built on the suffering of non-white characters, who are incapable of naming or talking about racial issues. Things we’re been ‘treated’ to have included at least one black woman being beaten by white men, a black man dying of an unexplained illness that is a hilarious joke to you (I’m sure you are aware of the disproportionate rates of preventable deaths in black people due to medical abuse) because he is male, a little black boy being presented as the worst possible thing to happen to his sister, a sexist black mother who favors and coddles her son while mistreating and neglecting her daughter (She didn’t even FEED Jaden consistently!) and a white-looking mixed woman who fits the stereotype of being a shy, softly-spoken, conflict-avoidant Asian and was abused by her Chinese mother. That probably isn’t even the complete list.

Your story doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and it’s clear you’ve not presented these issues with the gravity or grace that they deserved.

22 April 2022 7:46 AM

LOL Oh, Blaire! I’m laughing that I got it right that Blaire would act like that!

14 May 2023 1:11 AM

“Aren’t you a little old for that” Josie’s biggest L u_u

27 May 2024 6:30 AM

I see so many similarities between my life and Jaden’s. And gosh it’s so easy to not realise just how traumatising all of that actually is. The younger kid having it much easier while you have to help with everything is just a cherry on top, ouch