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Riley/Jaden friendship's gaining lots of levels this chapter!

11 thoughts on “CH7P13

  1. this is too adorable look at how they look at each other ohmygod theres so much potential here

    1. The ship sails are filling ! >:D

  2. I love the colour palette in this chapter!

    1. Thank you! It’s been a real challenge finding a balance, but I love experimenting with colour ?

  3. DasFeministMermaid

    Omg……Riley’s eyes when she asks if they can do it again ?

    1. ???? like this but smiling 1?

  4. Aww, they’re so cute!

    1. Thank you ??

  5. Baby’s first unintentional date ? I love them!!

    1. thank you! Their interactions are very fun to write

  6. Your local tortoiseshell cat

    I went back through reading LeaseBound (multiple times, haha), and I think this is my favorite page of the whole comic so far! It just makes me so happy to read it.

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