21 1636


By talos this can't be happening. Another payment service is keeping my money for reasons they will not fully explain 👍

What's Happening:

I received an email from Stripe - the payment portal I was using to accept donations. It said they were going to close my account due to "unauthorised transactions". They refuse to show me said transactions. My best guess is that a number of donations have failed to come through have flagged in their system. I can see the attempts in my records, but I assumed because the money didn't come to me, it must have gone back to the people who made the attempts to donate.

Because of this my account has been frozen. Stripe will be refunding any unauthorised charges (yet to be seen) and then keeping whatever is left for themselves. They have made it very clear I will see none of it.

I have tried to manually refund everyone, but I've been frozen out of doing that too.

I'm feeling very disheartened and frustrated and am incredibly sorry to everyone who donated. I will continue to do everything within my power to make sure you are all refunded at the very least.

Thanks for your patience.



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23 January 2025 5:09 PM

“They refuse to show me said transactions”

it sounds so frustrating that the companies that do the payment processing aren’t transparent about anything.

23 January 2025 5:26 PM

wow i’m really sorry this is happening. its so cop like for them to be pocketing your fucking money as well, so upsetting to read. let us know if we can all help you in some way

23 January 2025 6:57 PM

i was literally just checking for the donation page and was wondering why it wasnt loading… im so sorry that this has happened!!

have you considered using a crypto wallet for donations? ik the term “crypto” has a horrible reputation online, but there are crypto wallets out there that are anonymous & untraceable, its an effective way to recieve money on the internet without a middle man (stripe, paypal, patreon etc) stopping you.

i’d suggest something like monero, but u should do some research and u will find a good wallet that is private on both ends !!

24 January 2025 5:48 AM

WTAF this sounds so shady on so many levels!!! “oh yeah so there are a couple of transactions that didn’t go through (which is absolutely our system’s fault and not yours) but we’re not gonna explain why or show you proof of their existence and it just so happens that this means we get to steal all your money from the legit donations that actually went through properly with no issues. makes perfect sense right?”

even if this stripe service wasn’t an intentional scam the people running it are sure treating it like one. i know nothing about legal stuff but i’d honestly look into suing them, i do know at least that a lot of lawyers do free consultations and you only owe them if they get a win for you. please don’t take this lying down, you deserve your money and they’ll do it again as long as they keep getting away with it!!!

26 January 2025 4:13 PM

Rusty, would anything like PayPal or Ko-fi would work in your country? I know those are donation companies that seem to be more lenient political wise.

27 January 2025 4:41 AM

get fucked lmao

28 January 2025 6:12 AM

do you want to be the guinea pig of trying out one of these european alternatives payment processors?


i can’t really vouch for the privacy/functionality for any of them since i haven’t used them myself. i know one of them (adyen) exists because ticketmaster makes you sign up for an account when you want to sell off tickets to a concert you aren’t available for anymore, but that’s processed with help from ticketmaster and i can’t say if it could leak your details like paypal does

31 January 2025 3:17 PM

Pretty sure that’s happening because realty men are mass reporting all of your links.Possibly they’re also making donations themselves and then having them reported as fraudulent transactions so they get a refund and your account gets more and more reports on it. I don’t ‘now for certain that’s what’s happening, but I’ve noticed since the like/dislike feature was added to your site that most comments are heavily disliked for seemingly no reason. I believe it’s from angry men who are still stalking your accounts and socials and mass reporting them. You could possibly try gumroad. I know you can take donations or set it to custom Payments for files.

hopefully you’ll receive the money or this gets nicely resolved soon.

6 February 2025 11:11 PM

ugh that’s annoying for you </3

7 February 2025 12:42 AM

That sucks 🙁 hopefully it will be solved soon

getwrecked terf
getwrecked terf
12 February 2025 1:14 PM