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Some of you were too generous with your guesses about Star Shifters, lmao...Sorry gyns U_U

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28 May 2023 11:56 PM

Oh god oh no she’s about to genderfy Faith isn’t she. Nooo. Leave Faith alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

29 May 2023 12:04 AM

The Ginyu Force?

29 May 2023 12:36 AM

These colors are such eye candy!

pingabsolution (Miss Girl
pingabsolution (Miss Girl
29 May 2023 12:43 AM

Thank you for this comic, every time i read it it inspires me to be 400% more transgender and off-putting

29 May 2023 1:49 AM

No no no no I’m so afraid Faith’ll get sucked into gender πŸ™ please don’t do this πŸ™
…or maybe Jaden will say it’s stupid and Blaire would be offended? I certainly hope so

29 May 2023 2:29 AM

As much as I’m worried for Faith getting sucked into gender ideology, I’m equally nervous but curious to see how Violet would handle and react to that.

It’s a very delicate and difficult matter I think for parents. So much of the pro-gender propaganda really pushes the idea that if your parents don’t 100% unquestionably support your gender identity right away than they’re evil abusers and your only course of action ito “stay safe” is to run away and completely cut them off and if that doesn’t work then you should probably just k*ll yourself.

I think that’s why it can be so scary and complicated for parents of trans ID’d kids, and especially a lot of moms REALLY end up bending over backwards and kissing ass to the trans movement when their kid starts to ID as trans because they know that it’s risky and they could end up losing their child if they don’t.

It’s a complicated matter, how does one handle it when their kid gets sucked into the trans movement when the risk is so high that if you try to talk some sense into they’ve been brainwashed into believing that’s abuse and the only appropriate response is running away to possible actual abusers or just k*lling themselves?

29 May 2023 3:09 AM

Unsaid dialogue:

Blaire: Oh my God it’s a little Jaden

Riley: That’s racist. … Gay sex can’t get you pregnant, right?

Blaire: Gay sex can mean anything!

Riley: I’d be dialing for the Pill right now but God she’s so cute.

29 May 2023 3:49 AM

I get the instinctive freaking out, but honestly I think Faith can watch Star Shifters.

She has enough reasonable and supportive adults in her life who are gender-nonconforming rolemodels and can gently reassure her she can be anything without having to have a gender or trying to change her sex, she’s smart and strong in will (standing up for herself against that boy a bit back), and hopefully there’s no peer pressure in her own peer group for that yet.

I think she’ll be okay! But it might be best if she watches it with one of those supportive adults together.

29 May 2023 4:04 AM

Faith has her eye on the prize and the prize it kitty cats and anime!!! Social pleasantries come second to that!

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
29 May 2023 5:06 AM

I could focus on the fact Blaire is probs going to ‘eggify’ this poor anime-loving girl; but instead Imma roast the shit out of that DVD box *inhales*

BOI If you dont get out of here with your power-ranger buzzlightyear bob the builder looking ass, dont make me get on your paw patrol steven universe Disney+ but make it queer’ headass, fakeass ginyu force looking ass boy, ‘konoko ban umiwa okurishimas’ headass- I know rusty aint just draw your 90’s reject, localization, all rights passed, 4KIDS dubbed, lost media creepypasta, nostalgiafan-casted, youtube available headass. ‘make me discover my gender-‘ nah boi you need to discover the 8 am saturday cartoons fringe, grimm brothers looking ass.

29 May 2023 5:25 AM

oohh is handling faith going to be where the blaire conflict kicks up. OOOOH I’M INTRIGUED

Miss Moira
Miss Moira
29 May 2023 7:30 AM

I’m going to ignore the elephant in the room and just say I absolutely love Faith’s priorities lmaooo

29 May 2023 8:19 AM

no not faith
rusty don’t do this 😭

29 May 2023 8:50 AM

Awwww Faith reminds me of my niece, whenever she hears someone has a dog or cat the first thing she asks them is “can you bring them over? Can I pet them?”

To be fair I was the same 😭 I don’t know how optimistic I am about Star shifters.. the state of the two female characters on the box 😭

29 May 2023 9:48 AM

Seeing a female version of Pleakley was not what I had expected to ever come across but life finds a way

29 May 2023 10:17 AM

It’s hapeninggggggg thank u so much for the chaos🫑🫑🫑

29 May 2023 10:25 AM


29 May 2023 11:19 AM

I don’t know why I never even considered that poor Faith was going to get caught up in Blaire’s BS but OHHHHHH my GODDDD.

[Didi has died of dysentery.]

29 May 2023 1:51 PM


Happy Happy Happy
Happy Happy Happy
30 May 2023 12:01 AM

I love your art style so much, and the colours as always are gorgeous. You have come so far since I started reading <3 I love Faith as well she is so adorable and reminds me a lot of myself as a kid πŸ™‚

Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
30 May 2023 4:18 AM

RUSTY DONT RUSTY PLEASE DONT DO IT RUSTY NOOOOOOO *drowns in star shifter figurines*

30 May 2023 6:28 AM

hehehhehehe i adore faith! VERY worried about where things are gonna go w this party, though, omg πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ‘

30 May 2023 9:19 AM

I would die for Faith, and if anything happens to her, I’m burning the whole internet down.

30 May 2023 8:31 PM

I hope so much that Jaden’s example of chill butchness will be more convincing in Faith’s eyes than any gender bs Blaire is abt to spill 😭

1 June 2023 6:07 PM

Oh dear

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
2 June 2023 1:44 AM

oh god please protect faith. even when you have a supportive family, it’s still hard to be gnc and a lesbian when the rest of society screams at you

24 July 2023 2:13 PM

I know the star shifters are an SU reference but I’m living for the Ginyu force pose