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Sorry Jaden, lmao.
Miss Wool's first name is Happy, btw. But no pressure to think to hard about the Happy Potter lore, I promise, lmao.

This page, of all ones, was surprisingly out of my comfort zone. Not skill-wise, but because it wasn't planned until two days ago, and created all in one sitting today.

My wife and I just moved into a new place - so I haven't had a lot of time to work on LB this week, but this silly little interaction came to me, and instead of overthinking it, I chucked it in. It's also served as a much needed buffer page while we're still unpacking and getting the new house set up.

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9 April 2023 11:11 PM

I want a miss wool plushie, I hope Faith gets to have Jayden’s one haha. Best of luck in your new home Rusty 😁

10 April 2023 1:09 AM

This is adorable, good call on chucking it in.

The foreshadowing you are dropping in the comments about the hell we are in for once we go back to the gendie club is making me cling to normie Jaden so hard. She’s just… I just love her a lot ok. She’s sooooo cool and so sweet! No wonder practically everyone who meets her gets a crush. I’m so happy we get to spend some chill happy time with her (especially after the heartbreak that was jalexis cough cough cough)

10 April 2023 2:14 AM

Super cute page, aww, and a nice character moment for Jaden. Congrats on the move too, hope it wasn’t too painful!

Blaire's Wife
Blaire's Wife
10 April 2023 4:24 AM

I am *also* getting a kick out of the Miss Wool plushie.

Jaden's Wifey
Jaden's Wifey
10 April 2023 12:25 PM

Every new page and I fall more in love with Jaden… <3
She's very much my type + a sweetheart, like it can't get any better

10 April 2023 3:02 PM

I’m glad we finally have confirmation the Happy Potter is a strong female protagonist.

11 April 2023 12:13 AM

I don’t know if this was intentional, but seeing Jaden interact with Faith in a normal way, contrasts nicely with how the gendie in the club used the kids she babysat to give her validation. It’s so weird how gendie adults look for validation from kids, who are naive, trusting, and ignorant about the evils of the adult world. Love seeing healthy adult-kid interactions with all the lesbian adults 💚

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
11 April 2023 8:12 AM

I’m not gonna lie, it’d be super funny if the happy potter author got cancelled in this universe too kjskjs. Wizard world is one thing, but gendies trying to hamfist n*zi subtext into a children’s book about a sheep? Now, that’s art.

11 April 2023 9:40 AM

Rusty I can’t figure out how to reply to replies T___T

I just wanted to say I love the little doodle of me clinging to Jaden. Yes Jaden, save me from Blair!

11 April 2023 4:42 PM

Are the eyes of the plushie on the hat? And the black part underneath the hat is the nose, and probably round-ish? Don’t mind me, just trying to make a pattern for Miss Wool in my head! I’d say the body is four panels, and the legs and arms probably need to be a little bit thicker than in the drawing so they can be stuffed and soft too. Should be very doable.

14 April 2023 3:17 AM

Thank you for your work, bravery and dedication! I am looking forward to reading the next page <3 Have a good day!