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Your reactions to the previous steamy page had me losing it, ladies! So happy it was well recieved.

Unfortunately, the smaller tumblr i tried to reboot was termed this week once again. That's my 4th now, so I think it's fair to say I'm being specifically targetted by some loser.

BUT! I've taken the time to upload all of my fun extra stuff, where the LB cast replies to anons, the Actor AU and more, have all been uploaded to the site and organized into little viewing galleries: LB EXTRAS I would love to know your thoughts on it <3
Especially the most recent thing I uploaded, the mock up of an LB Visual Novel!    

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Plum-headed Parakeet
Plum-headed Parakeet
17 October 2022 10:41 AM

Is it bad that I’m a wee jealous of how many hiccies both of them have? Damn I’ve only gotten two in my life, I really need to pray harder for a more loving girl! 😅

Just love how you draw tender scenes like this. Again, it’s beautiful, it’s sexy, but it’s made for LESBIANS ❤️

hair fan
hair fan
17 October 2022 1:19 PM

all those waves, shadows, and shines in Alexis’s hair. exquisite!

Typhoid Mary
Typhoid Mary
17 October 2022 8:26 PM

Wow, I’m disappointed that you got termed. I was really enjoying your posts and commentary. Thanks for uploading all the extras here though, it’s all so cute and funny 🥰 also PLEASE make a LB VN. I know it won’t end well in canon but I just wanna peak Blair soooo bad. I can fix her (signed, a febfem)

Anyway about this page… Umm that is so sweet?!? 😭 Bwaaah knowing they eventually break up is breaking my heart. I love them together 🥺

18 October 2022 5:58 AM

Alexis’s hair is so pretty ❤️

18 October 2022 9:03 AM

Damn, we really missed the best part…do I gotta subscribe to something for that, or…?? Jk, it’s nice to see them ravage each other before comforting each other. Best of both worlds-

18 October 2022 9:25 AM

omg jadens little “gush to me?” has me in my emotions 🥺 also sorry that you got termed again! that rly blows:(

19 October 2022 10:31 AM

Really liking the panel of them together. Jaden’s pose looks great! Such cozy lighting throughout, too.

5 June 2023 3:30 AM

;o; this is one of the softest pages by FAR just the intimacy of “talk non stop about your plans to me”