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Jaden's not the only one who can play the 'Dead Jacobus' card U_U Sorry if you thought the sadness was over, gyns <3 Β 

17 thoughts on “CH10P56

  1. Mmm…Im kinda conflicted over this. I udnerstand Jaden’s pain but I also understand too well her mother’s worries. Woman or men I wouldnt take well my daughter dropping her studies because of a break up…mmh.

    1. Conflict was definitely intended! I really wanted to make sure both sides had believable reasons for where they stand.
      Is Jaden dropping out because of a break up though πŸ€”?

  2. Josie is right, breakups happen, DEATH happens, you must move on and continue living your life and not succumb to despair. But I also feel for Jaden, becoming a bouncer feels like the first decision she’s made in her life that was solely for her. That is commendable.

    1. Absolutely!
      Consider the conversation they had right before the breakup too. Jaden asking about whether or not her mum has ever thought about changing jobs, right after Alexis was confused that Jaden hasn’t thought about what she wants to do post-graduation. And of course, the answer Josie gave πŸ˜”

  3. Honestly, I’m so annoyed by Josie here, shoving in Jaden’s face a ‘I know what you’re feeling and your reasonings better than you do’. I feel for Jaden so much, and her yelling because she is not being heard β€” not being even listened to. Josie is just talking to herself.

    You go, Jaden, make one (1) decision for yourself and your own purpose. At least this is how I see it: her finally thinking about where *she* is in all of this, not her parents, not her brother, not her past, and yes, not even Alexis. Maybe that heartbreak was a catalyst, but at the end of the day, I think Josie is so wrong to assume Jaden’s decision is purely because of it.

    1. πŸ’” beautifully said
      Really like the way you phrased it, a catalyst rather than the full reason.
      Jaden was already coming to the realization re: dropping out with the scenes leading up to the abrupt end of their relationship.

      ⚫️Realized she has never had friends before Alexis
      ⚫️Notices that Alexis has thought about her future as a dentist, whereas her reason hasn’t changed since she was 8 years old: “I want to be a doctor to help my mum”.
      ⚫️Asks Josie about if she has ever thought about changing jobs. Aka changing her mind about something big. She sees the way Josie yearns for something different, but cannot pursue it because of her responsibilities to her family.

      Josie cares, but she is absolutely falling into projection of her own situation. She wants good things for Jaden, but she’s wrong about her motive.

  4. @sleepy sorry for the weird emoji, I meant to add an agreeing one and misclicked

  5. Nooooo I need more!

    1. More to come every Monday <3

  6. Love the new website! It looks so fresh and colorful!

    Poor Jaden and Josie πŸ™ I am really sympathetic to both their perspectives. It’s usually better to finish a degree than give it up, but Jaden needs a break badly. I think Josie should at least go with, “sure take time off for a semester or two and see how you feel after that” and be open to Jaden perhaps changing what she’s studying if she decides medical school is not what she truly wants. But I also don’t know anything about how the Australian university system works so Idk if that’s a thing for yall.

    1. Thank you, I’m incredibly happy with it!
      So Jaden does still have her prerequisite degree, the Bachelor’s of Science she had to do to get into her field of study now – which could definitely land her jobs. But given how little of her own passion was driving her to study to begin with, she likely doesn’t have any interest in the fields it can get her into.
      And yes, unfortunately both her and Josie are talking in some pretty big extremes here.

      1. Yeah, after making that comment I reread the comic from the beginning (I just needed…more…so I had to reread at the very least!) and realized she already had a BS, oops!

        1. There’s a lot of little details to remember! I don’t blame you!!

  7. I read this comic a year ago and now I’m back to read more! I was working hard at bettering my career life that I love! I forgot where I left off, but I just traumatized myself again rereading Alexis and Jaden’s breakup! It was such powerful writing and art! I still miss Alexis, but I’m glad the rest of the comic will continue to feature Jaden. I love her so much!
    I’m so engaged in Jaden and her mom’s fight. They’re both hurting. :'( The best writing is one where you can understand both sides of an argument. Though they’re arguing, they still love each other dearly, and there’s comfort knowing that will never change.

    1. Ahhh!! One of my beloved LB Essayists, yes! Welcome back! It’s so lovely to hear from you again <33
      I hope your career is satisfying and bringing you lots of joy!

      I'm really glad you can understand both sides of the argument, that was very much what I was going for. It look MANY rewrites to get it down right!

      1. Yay, you remember me! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
        My career is awesome! It’s my dream job I’ve been working at for several years now!
        I’m so happy you’re continuing to do this comic. It’s so high quality and it speaks to so many women everywhere!

        1. I do my best to remember my regular commenter, and it helps if you use the same screen name everytime (which you do πŸ˜…)

          I’m over the moon for you re: your dream jobπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° so fantastic to have hard work pay off. It’s exactly what I experience when I get lovely comments like yours about LB πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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