Hmmmm, you might be onto something there, Riles 🤔🤔
More speedpaints up here.
Brandi's Repatriation and Memorial has reached 70% of it's goal, with an update this week that reads: "I spoke with the funeral director in Cambodia yesterday. He is waiting on the death certificate from the local authorities so he can book a flight to return Brandi's body. He estimates that he can repatriate Brandi next week. Thank you for all the donations and your support." Seconding this thank you to everyone who has donated and shared the page so far <3
I know you’re already gonna get a bunch of comments on Blaire’s outfit (it DOES look v cute!) so I’m just gonna add that I love how everyone’s hair looks here! And Jaden’s loosey goosey outfit looks cute as well!
Also thank you for keeping this nightmare scenario in the void where it BELONGS. I hope Faith knows how much her mother and the women around her love her and protect her <3
Blaire. BLAIRE. Stop. How are you this annoying even in a fantasy?
I zoomed in on Faith to see if she’d gotten a special look for Riley’s fantasy, and the sassy little butt looks like an EarthBound protagonist. I want an AU where she busts her bully’s kneecaps with a bat.
Faith looks SO cute!! She dresses just how I wanted to dress at her age 🥹
Poor Jaden, feeling so nice bc of how seemingly sweet Blaire’s gift was. And if it was just to show an old cartoon that Blaire actually liked (funny enough, we never see if Blaire liked it, just that her friends thought it was so *enlightening* bc of the meaning they read into it) then it would be sweet. But intent changes everything.
Nightmare Violet scenario, thankfully she is protective of her child and would never blind agree to someone throwing a pamphlet at her. I can never get, and Ive experienced it irl- ppl trying to bring up discourse, debate, and force their ideas unto others who are literally at a gay club to dance and enjoy themselves. Faith looks adorable with the lil cat hat.
Riley is peaking! Im sorry Riley wisdom will come with a cost.
“I’ll get her to a specialist” is such a creepy sentence. Not to throw shade on Violet but even her facial expression in that panel subtly adds to the creepy factor. Unsettling in the best way. 👍
The “faceless” shots of Riley are making my brain whir. Especially while everyone in her imagination has a face and an expression and is showing feelings. Riley has spent much of this comic hiding her own feelings (or ignoring that she even has them and they’re influencing what she chooses as “the right way to respond”) to keep a lid on Blaire and make sure the people around her are happy and keep her world conflict-free… until now. Does this mean Riley is realizing that about herself? That she’s the one “keeping her face blank”? It’s a thought-provoking artistic choice.
Blaire sees a GNC child and is like: Oooo GET *THEM, Oooo GET *THEM
I haven’t been commenting lately because talks about death stress me out for personal reasons, but I’m here now 🙂
The thought that Violet could’ve been swayed like many parents sadly have been scares me, Violet doesn’t stick up for stupid stuff like transism especially when it comes to her daughter, but a part of me knows she’s also very sweet and when being told what would be good for her daughter from a manipulator like Blaire, I’m worried if her reaction would be like Riley’s imagination. Riley is doing the right thing by Keeping Blaire and Violet at bay. I hope everything goes ok for little Faith…
I love how even in her mind, Violet would be kind enough to talk with Blaire and accept the “theythem” on her child. And of course you feels like is wrong, because it is.
Riley imagining Blaire
Preying on GNC children with a creepy, predatory smile
Riley imagining Jaden
Adorable ‘aw shucks’ blushy smile cuz she has friends now
This is a Jail moment. To me.
All Riley has is a lifetime of learned conflict avoidance and a gut feeling that her wonderful! Caring! Heart-the-right-place girlfriend who she loves very much is pushing something harmful onto a child. Riley doesn’t know that Violet will stand up for her daughter. Riley doesn’t know there are other women, women she is surrounded by in this very party, who would agree with her gut feeling and articulate it in ways that she is struggling to. She’s just alone in a bathroom with no idea what the right thing to do is.
Hey, Rusty! It’s been a little while! I decided not to read the comic until the new year hit so I could read multiple pages instead of just one!
I really like this page. It gives a swirly type of sick feeling and I think Jaden looks really cute. I know it’s a serious page and everything but I really can’t get over how hot Jaden looks here lmao.