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16 March 2025 6:06 PM


16 March 2025 6:07 PM

Did we get 100 unique comments on the last page or fall shy? Oh well. As for this page…I can’t say what I wanna say. Many emotions. It’s very…yes. mm. Feelings.

16 March 2025 6:35 PM


dog at the wall
dog at the wall
16 March 2025 6:35 PM




one day, she will be prepared.
(or not, if blaire initiates the first step in the breakup)

16 March 2025 6:46 PM

My prediction for next page looks pretty doomed huh u_u

dog at the wall
dog at the wall
16 March 2025 6:53 PM

if you look at the thumbnail on the right for the most recent pages, blaire’s dress is blue

but when you click on the page, blaire’s dress is red!


16 March 2025 7:19 PM

So she’s gonna find the crumpled up brochure in the trash when they go into the stall for some fun?

16 March 2025 8:06 PM

omg we’ve seen Blaire shut down conversations by distracting Riley with sex, and now Riley’s taking a page out of Blaire’s book!

Three cats in a trench coat
Three cats in a trench coat
16 March 2025 8:19 PM

Ok I ended up staying up really late and somehow Just Late Enough to see the new update and im a new commenter and i’ve been reading quietly BUT ANYWAYS I had a gut feeling this would happen!!!!!!!!!

Riley’s blank expression during this entire interaction on this page specifically……… no bueno 🙁

I know how hard it is to let go of someone you love (or Loved) especially when you don’t like conflict, confrontation or major changes in what feels familiar but!!!!!!! They are both better off breaking up and seeing different women or just being content with being single!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! IM LOSING IT RIGHT NOW

Also. I’m desperately hoping for just a crumb of Sardonica and Poppy… just any small piece of dialogue soon PLEASE 🙏

Ok this is getting long and I need to go to bed but. good lord. I’m in shambles

16 March 2025 10:56 PM

Rusty!!!!! You tricked us!

But it is rather telling that we can’t even see Riley’s eyes. Something is going on in her head.

16 March 2025 11:07 PM

Riley has that “faceless” look again… after all she just thought and said (and didn’t say)…

I don’t know what exactly that face means, but I don’t like it 💔💔💔 Riley, even if Blaire doesn’t find those tossed brochures (Iota is so right and your relationship is doomed! doomed!), I can’t imagine how this gives you peace of mind.

On a lighter note!!! I love how Riley and Blaire apparently have sex everywhere except their homes. The whole reason they haven’t moved in together is Blaire’s parents don’t like couples living together, right? It sounds like slightly more prog Christians saying “It’s fine if my daughter is bi but she will NOT be tempted to have premarital sex by sleeping in the same bed as her girlfriend.” And if you focus on that last clause, Blaire and Riley are following it, to the letter, 1000% 🤣🤣🤣

I’m doubting Blaire will ever get a redemption or peaking arc, but if she did, I imagine she would get similarly “creative” interpretations of pronouns and other demands “Well, no, Brick, I didn’t mean to imply attraction is required for dating… but Riley and I have such a deep and inexpressible bond that we can’t *not* show at least a light amount of affection!” She makes up a buzzword label for it and speculates about what its pride flag should look like, and puts on a whole show about the ways it’s totally really for real different from boring ol’ normal dating. “We are just holding hands right now – I promise I want to accommodate you. That’s why we’re not doing more.” (Yeah, I’m still salty about how Brick used her asexual label to say “eww” to Blaire and Riley’s very light PDA in a way she never would to Tiffany Kai and her boyfriend.) Until Riley pulls her aside and says her gentle Riley version of “that was so brave and funny and I love how you stood up for us, but don’t you agree that all this QT stuff is ridiculous?”

17 March 2025 1:25 AM

Rusty don’t run away you coward 😤 when I get you…

Rusty it's gonna be on sight
Rusty it's gonna be on sight
17 March 2025 2:01 AM

The scream I have scrumpt this beautiful Sunday morning

17 March 2025 3:10 AM


17 March 2025 4:07 AM

Told you so.

Also, I have never been been so quickly gut-punched with the expectative of seeing a pair of a good set of ovaries, only to be received with the floppy dik disappointment that’s Riley’s courage.

17 March 2025 4:25 AM

To be fair Blaire does look gorgeous so I understand it but damnit Riley 😥 I suppose the toilets aren’t really the best place to have this conversation though

17 March 2025 4:54 AM

You know, I can’t even be mad at this. Well played, Rusty. Our troll queen has struck again. 👑

17 March 2025 5:06 AM

i don’t even know how to properly phrase it but the switch up is just so like. vivid. like we’ve seen riley talk about sex and be sexual but this is a stark difference to how she acted then because she’s specifically using it to avoid something instead of enjoying the connection and that’s just. aaaaaa

like she’s in the middle of this internal crisis not knowing if she can trust her and she’s acting in a way we don’t really see her act. not being able to see her eyes just further shows the disconnect she has to blaire (and herself) right now and the fact she is physically acting in a way that’s not accurate to how she’s feeling. it’s almost like…. survival instinct and it’s so subtle but so loudly unhealthy. in a healthy relationship she could admit to being triggered and anxious and scared but in this one she’s kind of backed into a corner because she’s scared /of/ her partner. so she’s stuck flirting her way out of it and that’s so sad for her

Still K
Still K
17 March 2025 5:15 AM

Oh Riley, this is… look, I can’t say I haven’t been there but boy does it not solve anything. Also, I don’t like that we can’t see her eyes at all on this page. Very bad sign. She’s Not Feeling Great.

17 March 2025 6:01 AM


17 March 2025 7:06 AM

I remember someone pointing out a while ago how sex is sometimes used as a bandaid in Blaire and Riley’s relationship, and at that point I thought “nah surely that’s not what’s happening, they just love each other a lot”, but now… :/

17 March 2025 8:03 AM

Me atm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7qoeEaUiVc (OK, not breaking everything, but you get the deal lolol).

17 March 2025 8:51 AM

You can’t unthink those thoughts Riley 😤 Still holding out hope that Riley will stand up to Blaire instead of playing both sides and being a coward 😔

17 March 2025 9:30 AM

You got me, omg! I was terrified Riley was gonna try to “trust” her gf by telling her the truth here and there, and then they’d have a very unpleasant conversation…. Riley lack of eyes is scary… She’s really hiding the turmoil inside her, huh? ….

17 March 2025 11:19 AM

Different strokes for different folks but I know I personally wouldn’t want to have an EMOTIONALLY SENSITIVE CONVERSATION inside the PUBLIC BATHROOM AT A CLUB anyway lol. Of course this adds to a long history of conflict avoidance with Riley but now really isn’t the time anyway. It’s hard for me to see her strictly as being a coward here when the location isn’t an ideal spot for that.

I guess the “ideal” would have been Riley saying something like “Blaire I’ve got something really serious I need to talk to you about later but this isn’t the right place for it. Let’s just have fun for now.” or something like that. idk.

Poor Riles. She does have the opportunity to control this and to pick a good spot and time to have the conversation, but putting it off does take it out of her control. The blow-up could happen in an even worse place then a public bathroom.

She sees this car crash is going to happen but instead of grabbing the wheel and pulling the car over she just kind of swerves it around to dodge obstacles. Not pulling it over does mean some innocent person is going to eventually be involved in the crash, Jaden, Faith, more people!

It’s very hard for me to imagine Riley standing up for herself but I really think she is going to stand up for the sake of someone else. She would tolerate Blaire’s nonsense FOREVER. But the fact poor Jaden and a child are going to be hurt makes it unacceptable……

Riley can’t undo her Bathroom Epiphanies. She’s going to be laying awake tonight I think lol. She needs to consider everything she has gone through with Blaire and figure out if she’s okay standing by when Blaire tries to do that to other people….. It’s not going to be possible for her to distance herself from the situation, Jaden is her ROOM MATE, so she would be right there for anything that happens.

It really is just sad for Jaden because Jaden was excited to become Blaire’s friend, but Jaden is actually Blaire’s exciting new Gender Project, not a friend 🙁 I think Blaire is really excited by the idea of SUCCESSFULLY helping someone with gender. I kinda wonder if within the QT collective, Blaire’s reputation has taken a bit of a hit because she failed to recruit Riley. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few QTs who if they knew about how Blaire handled Riley, they would be pretty disgusted. (I can imagine Brick gossiping with the others about how Blaire’s Clueless Cis self traumatized poor Riley who might never come to terms with her Identity now. And Brick would be clear every bad thing that happened was All Blaire’s Idea because Brick herself only gave Good And Perfect Advice, just downplaying her own screw-ups and throwing Blaire under the bus lol)

If Blaire can successfully “save” Jaden or Faith tho, then maybe she will have the respect of her friends back (:

that’s all just me theorizing tho. i really think Blaire cares way too much about Jaden and Faith and there might be more going on there making her more eager. If the QTs were disappointed she “failed” Riley it would make sense to me.

anyway the point is this is a good page. I’m just happy Riley isn’t fully crumbling, doing something like “I’M SORRY BLAIRE I THREW AWAY YOUR PAMPHLETS :(” in my eyes, this is all still progress for Riley. The thoughts she had a few pages ago are a major stepping stone for her.

A.N. Onymous
A.N. Onymous
17 March 2025 11:51 AM

Nooooo Riley don’t bang in the toilet stall, you’re just delaying the inevitable!!!! Also that’s kind of unsanitary.

17 March 2025 1:04 PM

RUSTY!!! I’m showing you respect by admiring your willingness to draw out the tension as you’ve planned for your narrative, but I’m exercising my right as your (hilariously) duped reader by ‘shouting’ at you anyway!!

I should have expected this, to be fair. Got a laugh out of me when the page loaded. I wouldn’t want to have that kind of conversation in a public bathroom, either.

That said, Riley’s blank-eyed expression is so… 🙁 She’s certainly well-practiced in conflict avoidance. Learned habits from years of bending and bowing to strict family in order to placate them when she dared to step out of line, repurposed for the new religion of gender.