By talos this can't be happening. Another payment service is keeping my money for reasons they will not fully explain 👍
What's Happening:
I received an email from Stripe - the payment portal I was using to accept donations. It said they were going to close my account due to "unauthorised transactions". They refuse to show me said transactions. My best guess is that a number of donations have failed to come through have flagged in their system. I can see the attempts in my records, but I assumed because the money didn't come to me, it must have gone back to the people who made the attempts to donate.
Because of this my account has been frozen. Stripe will be refunding any unauthorised charges (yet to be seen) and then keeping whatever is left for themselves. They have made it very clear I will see none of it.
I have tried to manually refund everyone, but I've been frozen out of doing that too.
I'm feeling very disheartened and frustrated and am incredibly sorry to everyone who donated. I will continue to do everything within my power to make sure you are all refunded at the very least.
Thanks for your patience.