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12 June 2023 12:06 AM

YESSSS we get to meet more Yonique staff!! It’s great we finally get to meet Ari tho I’m definitely excited to meet the eventual goth lady the most 😳😳😳 the gendie ladies are all fun but it’s the unashamed lesbian/bi ladies that I wanna meet..

Miss Moira
Miss Moira
12 June 2023 12:36 AM

Me, boiling in anxiety over the idea of more members of Yonique meeting Blaire: This page looks so good bestie! πŸ₯²

12 June 2023 1:14 AM

GOD Ari looks so cool I’m so excited to see more of her!!!!!

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
12 June 2023 1:15 AM

Also Imma have to comment…they have a no shoes house? That’s weird…they’re weird.

12 June 2023 2:06 AM

Cannot wait the Yonique vs Gendies Knockout.

12 June 2023 2:09 AM

is ari perhaps free at 7 on saturday… for no particular reason at all asking for a friend πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

12 June 2023 2:21 AM

Just read Ari’s cast page and daaamn she’s so cool! Twelve instruments!! Love her design too, just pure swag 😎

12 June 2023 3:18 AM

The only essential males to this comic are the lion’s on Ari’s shirt.

12 June 2023 3:55 AM

Omg, Blaire is going to have soooo many new projects πŸ™„πŸ˜©πŸ™πŸ» “a gender for YOU, a gender for YOU. Everybody gets a gender!”

Pam Dang
Pam Dang
12 June 2023 3:56 AM

Ari looks EXACTLY like my gf and seems to have her personality too omg! I love her already!!

12 June 2023 4:05 AM


Parniyas biggest fan
Parniyas biggest fan
12 June 2023 4:18 AM

Oh please please tell me we will get a big romantic lesbian ball room dance sometime in the comic!!

(If so, I will GLADY dance with Parns hahahaha πŸ‘€) I love women.

12 June 2023 5:10 AM

Hey uh, is Ari single? Asking for me.

Also, ballroom nights?? What do we have to do to manifest the Yonique into reality exactly as in the comic? But ideally somewhere closer to me, haha. Maybe as a franchise? Every major city gets a Yonique and they all have the same vibe and the same schedule but their own staff of course.

Wabber Bobble
Wabber Bobble
12 June 2023 9:04 AM

I love Ari already. I’m actually so excited for this party because it sounds like fun, but… oh god, what is going to happen 😡 the anxiety! I know we’ve got a big storm comin’ and I can’t take the anxiety anymore!!

12 June 2023 11:44 AM

Cannot wait for the mess that this party will become. Gimme that conflict! And oh my goodness, Ari sounds like a dreamboat. Manifesting a (slightly older) irl Ari for me. πŸ™

12 June 2023 12:28 PM

New favorite character alert!!! I’m a sucker for huge grins.

12 June 2023 12:37 PM

Ok I loved that speedpaint. I feel like I learned a ton just from watching it and I hope you share more but would also love to hear you talk about your drawing process. The blue shadow layer – is that with a blending mode how you do most shading over the flat colors? It seems to work like magic :O unless I’m missing a step.

(Incredible watching how your art has improved, the confidence/fluidity of your lines now, etc )

12 June 2023 9:40 PM

Your art has come so far and improved so much

13 June 2023 1:27 AM

Is it too much to hope for that in the impending catastrophic showdown between the Yonique and QT contingents, Clancy figures her shit out and finds her real people?

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
13 June 2023 9:30 AM

❀ Violet’s long-suffering expressions whenever Faith loudly gives her opinion lmao
❀ Faith petting Muddles in the top left panel
❀ Ari!!

13 June 2023 12:43 PM

If Babygirl gets invited to the party, I’m gonna start swinging. Just warning you now, breastie 😊πŸ”ͺ

lady lover 3000
lady lover 3000
14 June 2023 6:35 PM

God I adore how you draw women’s bodies, especially Violet and Riley’s! I can really tell they’re all drawn by someone who truly loves women πŸ₯°

16 June 2023 4:10 AM

i just started reading yesterday, and have read it all through twice. to say im in love with this story would be a major understatement. its brilliant! all the characters are really individual and could be inserted into the real world. going to recommend it to my best mate asap!

embarrassingly, i think my favourite character design is brick- her green hair is cute! i pray we get a peaking moment from her, she seems interesting.

and ohmygod blaire- shes so relatable it hurts. year 10 me was her 😭 i hope we see her change and become more receptive to gendercrit stuff. im surprised she hasnt changed her pronouns to she/they to be more ‘interesting’.

overall im just so excited to see more! not normally a fan of slowburn, but these characters r just too good not to love! <3

Teenage Mutant Ninja Bisexual
Teenage Mutant Ninja Bisexual
16 June 2023 10:18 PM

Ari reminds me of that one Jewish aunt/uncle everyone has. Always wearing a Hawaiian print shirt, makes bad jokes (mostly puns), says β€œOi vey!” a lot, probably a bachelor/bachelorette. I don’t know why, just vibes.

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
21 June 2023 3:06 AM

*straightens out my hair and shirt* i am also here to ask if Ari is single

28 August 2024 3:34 AM

I love that Blaire is so used to how insecure the QTs (and Riley) are that people NOT needing her to sweep in and be a savior throws her off. She expected to be a big darn hero like she was last time she played the game, looking all “oh, it’s ok, I know it’s a lot to handle, I can take on this burden” and then getting immediately shut down again like with Star Shifters lol
You also know the more Faith speaks loudly and with conviction, while wearing (gasp!) pants and having (GASP!) short hair, the more Blaire’s little gendie heart is fluttering; a young NOT-girl in need of a loving ally to help her find herself 😌 🀒

Shez Appreciator
Shez Appreciator
5 November 2024 8:13 AM

Revisiting this page via the reminder about the masquerade ball (😍) and I’m loving the top right panel, where Riley looks kinda taken aback that Faith is so outspoken. It makes me happy that Violet is raising Faith to speak her mind, but also I spose that Riley is seeing she doesn’t have to remain downtrodden by her own mistreatment when she was younger and that it’s fine to speak for yourself, even if her role model here is a wee 10 year old πŸ˜„

8 February 2025 2:12 PM

I wish this game was real…