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12 February 2024 3:32 PM

so….is no one gonna mention the hidden text

12 February 2024 4:36 PM

Ok here’s what I could transcribe

I’m an autistic cis butch lesbian. I used to be like Riley: insecure about myself whenever somebody asked for pronouns or thought I was trans, and on some level internally blaming trans people for making things harder for me. But the truth is, it’s not trans people’s or trans supporters’ fault that I was insecure. A similar issue: I was bullied by girls, and had internalized misogyny that presented in inherently distrusting/fearing groups of women, even feminists.

I had to realize that that was a problem that could let me hurt people, and let me be sexist, and I’ve […] working on fixing that ever since. Likewise, internally bl[…] insecurities can present in h[…] with extreme caution and […]. It hasn’t been easy, but […] of your gnc traits may […] insult to be mistaken […] setting, and if you […] to combat your own […] your identity (NOT that […] if you are cis, you CAN feel co[…] you also need to look at stories from […] for butch lesbians, and other queer […] all different people, and as long as w[…] each other then we should be helping each […], afab enbies, and cis gnc women.

[…] perfectly okay- We can still be friend […] identities/pronouns/names. We can still […] of others. I also think that Blaire is at least […] thing here. She’s making assumptions about […] she’s trying to ask a friend who she knows (or think[…] -accepting whether she’s right and how to show Jaden that it’s safe to come out to them.

I know Riley’s probably on guard right now due to her insecurities creeping up, but I hope she realizes that – If Blaire was right- Jaden would need friends who help her feel safe. I know Blaire’s wrong, I was assuming the hypothetical. Yes, I know this comic is written by a terf. But a part of me feels like knowing my thoughts might help you to consider the “other side,” especially as someone who used to be on the fence about a lot of […]”.

I can’t help but be reminded of back when I had peaked but “went back” for about a week. I was sort of like this. It’s a phenomenon present in cult survivors, where you revert back to that toxic mindset and may even become involved in the cult again. Also there is a serious amount of victim blaming here, saying it has to do with one’s own insecurities.

Obviously the trans community isn’t literally a cult (there isn’t really a cohesive leader). But snapping out of the TRA-mindset was honestly traumatic for me because my entire friend group was trans at the time. I had a mental breakdown, I barely ate for a week and I considered taking my own life. I’m still here though, two years later.

Anyway it’s very late where I am and I should definitely go to sleep but I wanted to say all this. This issue still deeply affects me, though I’m grateful I had this comic to get me through it. Thank you.