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Bonus Mini 12 – Tiffany’s DingDong Account

Happy First Thursday of the Month, ladies <3
Parniya voters, you put up a valiant effort, but the thirst for gendie content is simply too strong it seems U_U

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Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
6 September 2023 10:27 PM

Bruuuuhhh MJ just keeps on taking Ls, for reals. No offense to the chicks crushing on straight women but like…this you my girl?

Also Blaire being her welcome-mat self with the gender afflicted, but we all expected

Normal person
Normal person
6 September 2023 10:49 PM

You’re TOO on point with how precious and whiny these people are, lmaooo. What I can’t get over is how they say that so many things make them feel unsafe or invalid – in the same breath as threatening violence towards gender critical women. And that picture of Tiffany and her (much older) boyfriend…

And it’s probably just because you didn’t want to include him because male and repulsive, but I appreciate that Babygirl is one of the few Gendies who hasn’t commented here – TIMs don’t give a shit about ‘validating’ and ‘supporting’ TIFs and it shows.

7 September 2023 1:02 AM

Nooo MJ you are making me so sad 😭😭 I need to get her out of there!!! Also goodness the self-deprecating comment from Blaire as some way to atone for her “cis privilege”, and then immediately backtracking when it’s still considered offensive… female socialization moment fr. I bet Kai is so mad she can’t block all women from interacting with her social media 😂

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
7 September 2023 1:53 AM

Awwww poor MJ… if only she saw that Clancy was right thereeeeee~ 👀

Also, *falls to my knees in the rain because Parniya didn’t win*

7 September 2023 3:29 AM

Tiffany’s boyfriend reminds me, I used to have this co-worker who called himself bisexual, and at first I was so excited to have another SSA person at my workplace. But then after getting to know him better it turns out he only called himself bi becuase he’d dated a TIF, but he also said that he found it offensive when people assumed that he liked dicks just because he was bi when actually he found dicks gross and said he could never picture himself interacting with someone else’s dick in a sexual context.

Obviously so bisexual of him to only be attracted to the genital of the opposite sex 🙄 that’s not even getting into how he would lecture me about how he personally “as a bisexual man” didn’t find slurs like f*gg*t offensive and thought it was stupid that “other” gay and bisexual men found that word offensive while he personally was never bothered by it. Gee, wonder why a heterosexual man wouldn’t be bothered by homophobic slurs 🤔

Blaire bending over backwards to self flagellate only to still get a response like that is so spot on. Every day on Tumblr for yearssss I see women and girls bending over backwards to self flagellate and kiss TRA ass, but somehow no matter how hard they try TIM’s and TIF’s still find *something* to call them “violently transphobic” over.

Even if you play their game and follow all their rules they will still always find *something* call you “violently transphobic” over. You can never win with them.

7 September 2023 3:47 AM

I think you mean camera THEY

Wabber Bobble
Wabber Bobble
7 September 2023 4:22 AM

Honestly these are so sad!

7 September 2023 4:40 AM

I bet Parniya doesn’t even have a dingdong account. And if she did it’d have like, actually funny vids, helpful content, support for women. I bet Parniya’s dingdong memes are super fresh and good.

7 September 2023 5:25 AM

Aw. Our Parniya was failed-no, defeated by voters. The battle was fierce.

I am humbled for underestimating the colorful grip strength of Camp QT. Maybe Faith and Ruth are the only Chosen Ones who can truly overcome it.

@author, what does it fully say on the shirt of Kai’s boyfriend?

7 September 2023 5:45 AM

._. cool 👍👍👍

7 September 2023 6:13 AM

Save MJ 2023

7 September 2023 7:27 AM

Why do you all keep doing this to me. Second time I click the little arrow all hyped for Parniya, only to get assaulted by gendie shenanigans. I feel like someone owes me financial compensation now. :/

Your grasp of these people is incredible though, Tiffany could easily be talking about my teenaged friend circle (except I think five or six of them became trans, not three). The psychic damage you’re inflicting here is on point. Praying for Blaire to develop a spine though!

Also: I’ve been in your shoes, MJ. Keep your head up. Better days will come. You will meet women who are not straight and also not Like This, I promise. (In fanfics, if not in the comic.)

Your local tortoiseshell cat
Your local tortoiseshell cat
7 September 2023 7:48 AM

Elissa’s username… how are you THIS accurate?

7 September 2023 8:06 AM

Oof please wake the fuck up Blaire, I recognise that exchange, where some woman on tumblr said something similar in response to a post on how women need to shut up and listen to men and was told something like “that means you especially”, even when kneeling down to kiss the feet of men, the woman is still kicked 🙄

Also silly arachnid guy merch when?

7 September 2023 9:34 AM

ok this has gone on long enough, we need to stage an intervention for mj STAT!

8 September 2023 5:53 AM

Man I wanna rescue MJ so bad. Like honey this sorta ‘friendship’ with a side of pining isnt worth it! I hope the best for her post college, but now and days a lot of the gay scene is just more of this. Sad.

Meanwhile I feel for Blaire, the accuracy of them saying literally anything doesnt make them feel *safe* taking advantage of the empathy a lot of women have for other people’s safety and well being.

Like I get its cognitive dissonance making a lot of het/bi tifs who realize women are treated poorly and unequally by men and want to distance themselves from womanhood’s unfairness in society (like Ive seen so many posts like ‘once I became nb I felt so much more comfortable to wear dresses bc hey Im not a woman’) but cmon now cmon its ok to be a woman actually try to improve the lives of other women and hold men accountable for nonsense.

8 September 2023 8:31 AM

It’s so funny how ‘Kai’ acts like such a typical girl! Even that picture with ‘his’ boyfriend is the ever famous bf/gf pose (it’d be even funnier if you had her showing off her butt that’s unfortunately becoming popular.)

I’m still waiting for Blaire to peak.

9 September 2023 12:08 AM

Stop, stop, my strange attraction to Tiffany is already dead!

9 September 2023 6:52 AM

Blaire would be so good to MJ once they’ve both been de-programmed.

9 September 2023 4:04 PM

i think i remember seeing those over on your insta! love how you’ve gone back and made tiffs moif bf look uglier, its what he deserves.
out of curiosity, how many more minis do you think we’ll be seeing? absolutely loving these but my lesbian heart yearns for the shez chapter i know is ahead lmao

(also cause i still can’t reply on mobile, good to know marthaire/blartha (if i must) is spreading around 😏)

Vitamin C
Vitamin C
9 September 2023 11:21 PM

“Tw: afablanguage 😂😂😂
Is this a real tw you have actually seen or did you create it for this comic?

10 September 2023 2:47 AM

Aaaaa MJ is so cute, I really feel bad for her… The lil comment about Tiffany being handsome 🙃 praying for her to wake up and start liking women who aren’t trying to convince gay men to accept women into their dating pool
Also MJ/Blaire … That would be so cute when they both wake up from their genderism

kai get hit by a car challenge
kai get hit by a car challenge
10 September 2023 8:39 AM

no character has filled me with as much contempt as kai and i think it’s because of how close it hits home.

i’ve met people who are identical to kai in terms of identity/personality but instead of calling themselves men, conform to female gender roles and call themselves lesbians 🧍 and they always fucking end up in straight relationships dating men in the end.

i cannot tell you the amount of times ive seen enbys who identify as gay or lesbian end up dating the most generic bland straight men imaginable. and then a week later after they break up they still have no problem going back to calling themselves lesbians and talking down to bisexual “cis bitches.”

anyways im one of the losers who wants a redemption arc for blaire (i know i know, i got a big storm coming ;w; that arc ain’t happening, i get it) but even *i* don’t want a redemption arc for kai.

im not a violent person and would never wish bodily harm on any non-fictional woman (even if she has shitty misogynistic tendencies like kai) but GOD. i sure would be happy if kai got hit by a jeep wrangler going 200 km/h and just got launched into the sky, never to be seen again

10 September 2023 12:11 PM

I hate her so much. No witty comment or analysis. Just loathing. You dead on got her type accurate though, good job.

Three-Toed Sloth
Three-Toed Sloth
10 September 2023 1:17 PM

A friend of mine who’s sadly in the Gender Fandom was complaining about straight men matching up with her on dating sites, and I was reminded of Tiffany and Elissa’s fetishization of gay men and their desperate need for male attention in the form of a “homosexual” boyfriend who’s attracted to them… It’s gross how straight men seek to use gendie women for sex, but given that gendie women are only trying to use “gay” men for validation (while calling actually-gay men transphobic bigots for being unattracted to them) it’s just another point in making Tiffany (and Elissa to a lesser extent) loathsome. I hope to god the Male Character Policy in LB keeps the gay men far away from the QTs, in my experience these yaoi-obsessed straightoids get incredibly awkward around RL gay men and it’d be unbearable lmao.

11 September 2023 11:31 AM

Praying that one day Tiffany has a “cis bitch in the mirror” moment… when the cognitive dissonance finally breaks.

23 September 2023 10:21 PM

how long till Blair gets tired of being treated like shit and interprets it as a sign she is not comfortable with cis identity and takes it as a sign she is something else, and then demands from Riley she has to call herself bi or pan now bc Blair doesn’t identify as a cis woman anymore.

3 May 2024 10:59 PM

The “tw afab language” is so funny because the amount of [female] people I’ve seen unironically tag something like that on the premise of pandering to anyone amab is so, so dystopic, imagine if trans women were posting “Warning for assigned male language” people would throw a riot trying to “help” the trans woman speak differently, a trans man does it? Then it’s all chill and what’s deserved somehow.

7 February 2025 10:03 AM

im so sad for Tiffany, she’s literally being groomed, her boyfriend is 29 and shes just 21, im sad about poor Tiffany, she deserves better