A page of many firsts!
Bricks debut, and the first Thursday bonus page of 2023!
See you all on next Monday Jan 9th after you've recovered from this page <3
A page of many firsts!
Bricks debut, and the first Thursday bonus page of 2023!
See you all on next Monday Jan 9th after you've recovered from this page <3
take me back to jalexis suffering
this page made me choke on my drink…. brick and blaire’s dynamic is already sooooo fucking funny (queer semi-elder) but their gender bs will probably give me a rage ulcer (╥_╥)
“As a queer elder” I’m losing my miiiind
Rusty ur killing me KSHXKAJSKA this page is so funny but at the same time makes me wanna die because I’ve seen that before lmaaao

Not Brick putting girlfriend in quotes!!

Holy crap I already want to punch this qUeEr ElDeR.
“girlfriend”? I see Jaden is not the only person brick has gender headcanons about (≧▽≦)
Isn’t Brick 22… and Blaire 24… how did Brick manage to wrangle the title of queer ELDER? (my theory is that she was the first brick thrown at Stonewall)
this comic always makes my entire week, even when pages like this are like a fart to the face
I love your characters and I will love to despise Brick for the teeth-grinding they (zey?) inspire
“This is not cis behaviour”
The audacity.
I wish I hadn’t heard that exact phrase said about me but here we are.
Pages not to read right after eating, whew
Oh god wtf is wrong with me I think Brick looks super cute -blush- (personality rancid like old cheese but I just like her appearance, shoot me now)
This page is hilarious because of its accuracy
I have watched conversations like this unfold word for word. Also “elder” when they’re not even 30
Well the chaper sure came out the door swinging! X’D
Can’t wait to see what gender poor normie Jaden gets assigned by this kid.
Also, are you *sure* you’re in Australia? Because I know both Blaire and Brick personally. They had a loud argument about the validity of neopronouns on my couch once while I sat between them slowly losing my mind. Very kind of you to change their names for privacy.
Oh I think I understand, you introduced Brick so we would have someone to punt around to each other, right?
She’s here for punting, yes?
Aw fuck. First I had Lily Collins putting me into the bisexuality crisis, now Brick too.
I’d say, the round glasses are a good touch. The only people I ever see wearing them are gendies.
I love how QUEER your characters are! Alexis is QUEER, jaiden is QUEER. and you are a QUEER woman!
No joke, when I got together with my straight male partner after years of me only being with women, the gendies adjacent to my social circle said it was proof that he was actually a transbian egg waiting to crack
Oh no… The shipper cogs in my brain are TURNING! Nooooooo…!!! D;
All of the gendie gang having colorful hair *sobs in having pink and purple hair that was blue and pink last month*
“Never wearing make-up is NOT cis behavior.”
I’m about to have an aneurysm.
I always did wander what happened to chucky’s son- I mean, child.