28 5293


Head Full, Brain Heavy U_U


I've had a decent amount of interest in LB sticker/Tshirt type merch. So I've finally started a lil Redbubble. Only 12 designs at the moment, very open to feedback - and if there's characters/designs you'd like to see. Especially sticker-wise! I totally went ham on trying out Riley patterns on everything just for the thrill of seeing her on stuff.
Lemme know your thoughts!

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26 March 2023 11:21 PM

Let’s go to womyn’s land together Riley

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
26 March 2023 11:24 PM

girl me too tf

26 March 2023 11:32 PM

Riley, my love, you don’t have to live like this 😭😭 Just seeing her like this breaks my heart 🥺

26 March 2023 11:48 PM

SUPER excited that you finally got a red bubble shop!! 🤩🥳

women enjoyer
women enjoyer
27 March 2023 3:03 AM

I’m going to fly to australia and save Riley from the gender club 😤😤😤 I love the visuals and general mood on this page like how you cant see her eyes, and how there’s no speech or even thoughts. No words can describe her feelings right now.. also.. Riley starting to work at yonique in the near future maybe?🤔👀 since her current job might become compromised since..ykno.. Blaire..

27 March 2023 7:53 AM

Before reading this page: thank goodness the gendies are gone, finally I can mentally recover
After reading this page: nooooooo!!! 😭

Redbubble looks good! I love the main trio art and I’ve gotta get a “location” shirt sometime, haha. Maybe a Muddles sticker would be good? (I hear stickers sell pretty good on sites like these, plus anything with cats on is popular, haha)

Blaire's Wife
Blaire's Wife
27 March 2023 8:40 AM

rip to Riley’s mental state but those location t-shirts go hard

27 March 2023 11:04 AM

I really love the sticker of the trio! Seconding getting a muddles sticker that would be so cute
I hope we get to see Riley smile soon 🥺

28 March 2023 1:18 AM

I feel for Riley in this. I remember when I peaked — everything that I believed in suddenly didn’t make sense anymore, I was so conflicted.
With Riley it might be worse, I think, because of Blaire. Like, Riley knows how strong Blaire’s beliefs about gender are. Her realization that this gender stuff is nonsense could mean fighting with/losing a person she cares about. kinda sad all around

28 March 2023 10:01 AM

I’m so sad for Riley (when she starts standing up for herself, it will be so good to read), but I’m also wondering if the fact that her lunchbox says “Marca” instead of “Brand” or similar will be important.

28 March 2023 2:42 PM

I can’t wait to get the LOCATION tank top and have it under my button-up at all times, waiting for the moment I can pop the buttons open and show it off. Under the LOCATION tank is another shirt that says “ask me about Lease Bound.”

29 March 2023 4:40 PM

*me & my date go back to my apartment*
*we stumble into the bedroom lovingly*
*she stops in her tracks*
her: *hesitantly* Uhhh, nice bedsheets…
me: I KNOW, RIGHT? := 😀

Anyway… I AM SO RILEY! Once I peaked, I realized all my friends were elbow deep in lies and they were too ensnared to consider my position. That did a number on my social life but it was a downside I was willing to take. But the important question is if Riley is willing to potentially lose Blaire (AND THE ANSWER SHOULD BE YES)

30 March 2023 3:01 AM

Aw, Riles. Her little duck tail is cute though!
Re: merch I’d love some meta Yonique gear! Like a sticker of the menu with the gyn and tonic or a staff shirt or something!

2 April 2023 4:32 AM

I have so been there, down to a girlfriend trying to educate me on gender. Poor Riley. And this really doesn’t help to hear in the moment, but the only way out is through – you can sit on that discomfort for years but until you work through it with yourself, it doesn’t go away. That’s how it was for me, at least.

Rooting for ya, Riley. Keep your head up, things are gonna suck for a while.

13 April 2023 6:51 PM

I’d love some stickers of Jaden in your red bubble shop if you’re still taking feedback. I binged this comic in a night. I love it. And this is even set in my city? No one remembers Adelaide lol.