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Oh she went for it!! Imagining you gyns in the grandstands watching Alexis pour her heart out:

#FlirtingWithWomenWhenYou'reAlsoAWoman problems tho U_U

Also, matching icons for you and the gal you're trying your damnedest to confess to:

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6 June 2022 11:15 AM

Rusty somewhere: “There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don’t got a lot to say
But there’s something about her
And you don’t know why
But you’re dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl”

6 June 2022 9:00 PM

The expressions in this page were 100% perfect

7 June 2022 6:52 AM

Goodness, I feel Alexis so much here. The amount of time it took my first girlfriend and me to figure out that yes, we’re both flirting is frankly embarrassing to admit, both our respective friend circles apparently had betting pools about how long it’d still take us. Eventually I exploded somewhat like that, exasperated gestures and all. Fingers crossed that Jaden will find her outburst as sweet as I do!

Also: Alexis, babe, I’m so proud of you for getting it out.

7 June 2022 6:42 PM

Alexis is such a mood lol

8 June 2022 3:28 PM

Hi Rusty!
I’ve recently started a discord server for detransitioners and desisters in Australia. I’m wondering if you would like to spread the word? pm happy to discuss this with you further if you would like

9 June 2022 8:25 AM

I want Alexis’s expression on the last panel as an avatar for my soul))

13 June 2022 7:03 AM

Comics shit written by a shitty person. Can’t even tell what’s happening with the art and creator is a cringey transphobe who thinks their helping women and lesbians with their bullshit.

Fox In The Forest
Fox In The Forest
15 June 2022 3:06 AM

Ignore the person above. As a cool woman and cool lesbian I do, in fact, love leasebound. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

26 July 2022 8:42 AM

I’ve been super busy with work so I lost track of the webcomics I regularly read. Now that things have settled down, I’m reading what I’ve missed and I’m stoked to binge-read a bunch of new pages!!

I liked Jaden’s hesitation in the beginning, “Are you… Talking about me…?” I felt that! I always feel that. That you can’t dare to assume someone is flirting on the off-chance their signals are a miscommunication or misunderstanding! And if you flirt back or even assume the flirting when they’re not, that’d be seen as rude or inappropriate that’ll make the other person feel awkward or bad!

Alexis’s frustration in that same first panel is also so cute! Blushing and blurting out “YES I’m talking about you!” because what if Jaden’s question means she’s not interested and now everything’s out in the open, this is the time when she might get rejected, and what if it changes their friendship into awkwardness??

Then Alexis fumbling trying to explain herself in case Jaden ISN’T interested and how much Alexis wants to convey that she has been trying so hard to not offend Jaden by “coming across too strong” even though her main example of “OBVIOUS” flirting was eagerly choosing to talk to Jaden vs the guy she’s sitting next to (ALEXIS, THAT ISN’T OBVIOUS AT ALL lol For all Jaden knew, you knew the guy and hated him because he’s a jerk!). Then her embarrassment and nerves come to a head when she’s suddenly venting how guys can believe anything means flirting while she has to work extra hard maneuvering around the unspoken rules!

I could feel all the emotions and meanings behind them perfectly! You’re so good at portraying story, characterization, emotion, and character motivation!

15 July 2024 1:11 PM

That beats all the older bi-curious women I’d run across who not only assumed my sexuality, but also were already in VERY committed relationships with men and also didn’t bother to see what I’d think of that before taking an innocent friendship (bc who’d assume otherwise under such circus) and making big old (unflattering) passes.

They should take notes from this instead.

15 July 2024 1:16 PM

Oh, and heterosexual women just trying to bolster their own egos. Which equally went nowhere with me. No thanks, not into flirting and/or your inappropriate remarks or touching, especially just to pump egos (or god forbid be the focus of a someone’s bangmaid fantasy). Please stop adding to the sexual harassment, ladies!! We already get plenty from males!! It’s not magically fine because you don’t have a dick.

6 February 2025 9:55 PM

The last panel lmaoo