Thankfully, Blaire was never over when Nicholas came to visit. Phew!
Sorry tho, Jaden lmao.
Congratulations to all Neighbourly Nuisance voters (70 votes as of posting). It was looking closer in the beginning, but you still pulled ahead in the end!
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For Next Week’s Mini Comic:
) or “Pool Party!” (
Would you like to see “Any Friend of Hers..”(
I think Nicholas might need a bodyguard entourage to keep him from Blaire. I wonder if Shez and Parniya are open to mercenary work.
Love Jaden’s second face being “can you put a leash on that ?”
Aww Nicholas cameo! It would be really cute if he became friends with Faith, I miss that little ferret too haha.
small escape artist
I was NOT expecting this and I love it so much.
Based on Jaden’s identical outfit and fade I can only assume these are all in the same day lol.
Also could we get a cast page for him please
I know he has a Y chromosome and all but but but.
Hahaha I love that Jaden curse of dislking kids but attracting their attention anyways…also, cant stop thinking about how cute it’d be if he was friends with faith

Like…be gnc legends together. And he’s dressed like peach so he also like videogames!
God bless Jaden and her patience. It takes a special kinda person to not like kids, but still keep them from running off AND be chill about it.
I know you got your strict no Y chromosome focus rule which tbh I love and never want to stop.
But if you ever run out of ideas for these Bonus Pages between chapters, The Adventures of Faith and Her Sidekick Nicholas seems to be a popular idea lol. He could learn the ways of obliterating every adult in the room with innocuous comments and also how to STAY IN HIS DAMN APARTMENT.
I headcanon Nicholas and Faith are friends and have playdates but can never find out what to play because they both like such different things
okay this is cute damn it but POOR JADEN LMAO Jaden if she wasnt so polite
But in all honesty i love seeing gnc children be allowed to be gnc ^_^