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103 thoughts on “CH11P31

  1. Also, tooootally random and unrelated poll, but if you had to pick one of these velvet dresses, just for no reason or anything…. which one would you pick?

    1. I would like to wear blue 🙂

    2. Okayyyy okay sheesh!
      Let’s all vote green then, yes?

  2. now listen to me young woman, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. you will do this for me. i need you to go to jaden, and i need you to remind them to watch star shifters. you come back and they still havent watched it youll be in big trouble miss. you will never see the light of day.



    Anyway, I can’t wait for what happens next! := :-DDDD

    1. (love the you terrorizing school boys lore also)

  5. Oh SHIT!!

    I can tell normal bisexual queen Violet is not about to let that stand.. Blaire about to get her first taste of a normal person standing up to her… God I need the next page now Rusty!!🫣🫣🫣🫣

    1. Blaire’s about to learn Faith was not the final boss. Not even close B)

  6. 1. The blue dress.

    2. That having been said, this page. Ooooooh I can’t with Blaire I truly can’t. You did an amazing job of building up her good sides but oh, rusty, I can’t stand her anymore!!! Sucks to be Riley though T___T

    1. 1. I truly never saw the Blue dress beating out the Red dress. Feeling gobsmacked on this fine Monday morning U_U

      2. Excellent hehehehehohoh ahah heehawheehaw! >:D

  7. Faith being asleep on Violet’s back is the cutest damn thing. Hope she sleeps right through getting forcibly assigned a new gender.

    1. I’m sure she’d wake up if something important happened, but until then 😴😴
      Baby has had a long day of gushing about her interests to Jaden, she needs her rest!

  8. I’m freaking out dude. I need that next page STAT.

    I need to know first if Violet understands why Blaire just they/them’d her daughter or if she thinks it’s just a peculiar mistake. If I wasn’t aware of nonbinary stuff and singular they pronouns, I’d probably be confused but let it slide as a quirk of someone else’s way of communicating.

    Also, no matter how you slice it, the comment on Faith’s distaste for dresses and skirts is a weird thing to do and how does anyone even respond to that… Like what does she expect Violet to say 😐

    1. Maybe not? Perhaps she’s out of the loop on all that jazz; then again Parns and Shez do, so perhaps they’ve talked about it.

      I know that my first time getting call ‘they’ was confusing, especially not being a native speaker.

      At first I thought they might just be like, something gringos randomly called each other in casual settings, but when I found out why it did rubbed me the wrong way but I brushed it off thinking it was just an anglo-gay quirk, I never even imagined someone could be dead-serious about that stuff lmao.

    2. BAHAHA! I do so enjoy leaving you ladies in peril waiting for the next page >:3c

      Blaire has indeed gotten to bold, I agree. I know what *I* would say to her lmfaoo, but we will just have to see how Violet rises to the occasion.

  9. Nooooo it was all going so well! but Blaire just can’t resist the urge to make some Gender Headcanons…

    Honestly I hope Violet puts Blaire in her place. If I had a child and some gendie tried to imply they weren’t really a girl/boy because of stereotypes I would be very angry.

    Speaking of which, a few days ago I was out with my (conservative-ish) mother. Two women walked by us, one of them was very butch. My mom then proceeded to say she didn’t get “women who dressed like men” because “no matter what, they would never be male.” — Which, true, they will never be male — and that “women should be feminine.”

    I told her that just because a woman was butch didn’t mean she wanted to be a man, just that she liked to dress that way. She kinda rolled her eyes and went “That doesn’t exist.”

    And it got me thinking how similar gendie and conservative thought is. Both just can’t fathom the possibility of a woman/girl not liking feminity. Only difference is the conservative will try and force the girl to be feminine, and the gendie will try to convince her she’s not a girl.

    Like my mom once straight up asked me if I wanted to become a man because I refused to shave my legs. Then because I wanted to cut my hair short.

    She’s as far from a trans supporter as you can get, but she and Blaire have more or less the same ideas of how a woman should be. It’s bonkers.

    1. Happy Happy Happy

      you are so right about the ideas of conservatives and gendies

      1. It’s basically

        Conservatives: Do you want to be a man? >:(
        Gendies: Do you want to be a man? 😀

    2. God that’s such a fitting comparison – thank you for sharing.
      Your mum sounds like a headache and a half 💀💀

  10. They’re all lovely, but I feel the red and the green one clash with the pink hair. So blue.

    1. Thank you, Ms Rose.✍️✍️

  11. Rusty nooo ahh the last two panels just sucker punched everyone in the room. Violet is currently making the face I just made at my screen right now, idk how you went into the future and captured my exact reaction but wow it’s spot on 💀

    Blaire the absolute audacity?? Isn’t she misgendering Faith here by they/them’ing her after hearing MULTIPLE people including her MOM refer to her with “she”??

    That’s gonna be a lot of cash in the jar Blaire, do they count misgendering thoughts too bc hooboy. Blaire beloved, how do you know Faith isn’t a tomboy transfem childgirl (hrk).

    Love how she isn’t even giving up trying to get Jaden to watch that kids cartoon, Blaire is many things but damn she is persistent when she thinks she’s right. Certainly a trait that can be amazingly helpful, esp as a woman, but she sure uses it for the worst battles 🥴.

    I can’t get over this wow, ik Blaire’s constent flaw is she’s wayyyy too into everyone’s business, but this is such a huge overstep of boundaries, why even mention how Faith dresses like that. It’s so unbelievably rude.

    I’m now on the edge of my seat wondering how Violet will react to what she said, like idk if I would just be so stunned I couldn’t say anything or become immediately defensive of my child.

    You do such a great job leaving us hanging wanting more so badly. Honestly waiting for the weeks updates are what help me count down the days of each grueling week 😂

    I’m also with Jaden here and hope Faith opens up to her mom about what’s going on and what happened on the school bus. Leave it to Jaden’s supreme chill, confident, and kind vibes to help bring Faith out of her shell.

    Young girls, esp young lesbians, need great cool role models like Jaden. I’m also looooooving that height difference between Jaden and Violet, Jaden is really such a dreamboat 💓.

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a lovely, thoughtful comment! It was a pleasure to read.

      I’ve been so excited for the reactions to this page -particularly the final panel 🤣 the way you described your expression mirroring Violet’s had me laughing out loud.

      Also, I don’t know if it counts as a point in Blaire’s favour.. Perhaps only one notch down on the audacity. But she’s bringing up Faith’s dislike of girly clothes in direct reference to her “just being very passionate” about Star-Shifters.

      What we all heard Faith say:
      I dislike this show because it makes the girl characters wear stupid clothes and they only get cool clothes and strong powers when they transform into boys.

      What Blaire heard her say:
      I dislike dresses. Dresses are for girls. I am not a girl! Someone please guide me to my true gender.


  12. I want to hit Blaire with something heavy tbh
    Also can’t wait for the next week’s page

  13. i can’t believe blaire is about to become staire, pushed down

    1. When I tell you I screamed. You are one of gods funniest breasties. So close and dear to my heart, breastie (as all breasties are).

  14. Uh oh. Another victim Assigned They At Blaire.

    1. None of us are getting out of here without a pronoun pin.

  15. also, blaire really just likes to listen to herself talk. faith explained exactly why she didn’t like them, and she leapt straight to the sexist stereotyping

    1. “Wowee Faith really doesn’t like dresses and girliness!! I can help them!!”

      1. i saw your comment further up echoing my exact thought, lol. like Blaire, keep your fanon to yourself…

  16. OH SHIT
    i’m gonna go get my popcorn

  17. Not Happy Happy Happy

    nooo I thought we were in the clear herer D:

    1. 👵

  18. Blaire, stop trying to make gender happen, it’s not going to happen ✋😒

    1. Gender is soooo last season 🙄🙄

      If only we could Swiper no swiping (Blaire, no gendering) our way outta this one 😔😔

  19. Oh SHIT. NOT THE CASUAL THEY!! Blaire is IN FOR IT next page!

    1. Pictures taken 10 seconds before a disaster.

  20. Im calling it out…I’M CALLING IT OUT!

  21. She‘s a bit of a handful”

    They’re just very passionate”

    The absolute audacity. Like, what possible reasoning went through her head when saying this

    1. Parniyas biggest fan

      Blaire: How DARE Violet misgender her nonbinary son, don’t worry I will take the liberty to fix it! I got it covered from here guys!

    2. “I’m not in the Gendie club so I don’t have to deposit for that TIM’s surgery”.

    3. Blaire’s an eager little missionary out to spread ‘the Good Word’ to all of these poor ignorants who just must not have heard it yet. She can’t compute that people she LIKES can reject this ideology outright, and in her bubble everyone even slightly gender-nonconforming means ‘they’ need special pronouns to go with it.

      On planet Blaire, this is a smooth move; if Violet ‘knows,’ she’s signaling ‘it’s ok, I’m an ally, you don’t have to keep ‘their’ identity a secret from me,;’ if Violet DOESN’T ‘know,’ she gets to ‘educate’ her about it. Either way, she gets to feel very sophisticated and helpful and get that sweet, sweet high of allying goodly. There is no possible third option pinging around her brain, but damn if Violet isn’t about to give her one.

    4. This is a brain on gender.

  22. Parniyas biggest fan

    I wish we lived in a world where girls could be happy expressing themselves in whatever attire they like *sigh* too many Blaire’s in this world reinforcing gender roles for that though…

    and it makes me sad because I have a feeling Faith feels happy dressing this way because she’s surrounded by a bunch of strong, empowering, butch women who aren’t afraid to dress masculine and Faith looks up to them.

    I see so much of myself in Faith, I was just like her when I was younger. I’m glad she has Violet because my parents used to tell me I wasn’t leaving the house “looking like a boy”, now i’m an adult wearing my Spencer’s T-shirt with no bra, basketball shorts, and short hair 😂

    And I think Blaire looks the best in green but she will match Riley in blue.

    1. So sorry to hear about your parents. People like that have no business raising children, particularly girls. 💔

      Thank you for the dress vote tho!

  23. Sorry to hear Faith has been diagnosed with non binary 💔 get well soon queen

    1. Thoughts and prayers and all that 😔😔

  24. Blaire x Violet enemies to lovers arc: Blaire suggests Faith may be trans and Violet goes off on her, rightfully calling her a misogynist.

    Blaire is stung, because all she wants is to be a good person, and her politics revolve around doing the “right thing” and while she doesn’t want to be transphobic, she doesn’t want to be a misogynist either.

    The exchange plants seeds of doubt in Blaire’s mind and she ends up googling “trans rights misogyny?” And ends up on terf blogs. She “hate-reads” them, and most of the posts make her angry, but then she finds something that makes her heart stop: a post about a tim being a massive creep and transitioning to try and get in a woman’s pants, among more and more stories of tims being atrocious.

    This brings forth images of Timothy Hecox in Blaire’s mind. “There are other people like him– I mean her?” She thought, beginning to crack. But she pushes these thoughts down– not babygirl. Not madame president. Trans women are queens and would never do something so vile.

    Even if some are like that surely it’s only a small few, right? To ease her doubts, Blaire meets with Timothy to ask him “Hey, I saw some terfs online slandering transfem queens saying they steal women’s underwear and get boners from putting on skirts, that’s all filthy terf propaganda, right?”.

    Timothy says “UmU are you twansphobic? You’we being vewy twansmisogynistic wight now… twanswomen need to steal ouw sistew’s undewweaw to cope with our dysphowia… panty snatching is suicide pwevention…” and Blaire cracks.

    The terfs are right. Violet was right. Among these events, Blaire and Riley break up as the tensions among the gendies grow. With no where else to turn, Blaire shows up weary and beatdown on Violet’s doorstep– her makeup washed off by the rain. They have some catching up to do.

    1. ^^least coping fantasy from Blaire’s fans. ✊😔

    2. The way this is lowkey how I peaked tho 💀

    3. I Want To Believe 🙏🔮🙏🔮🙏

  25. also this page is gorgeous

    1. Thank you!

  26. My first thought after reading the final panel: NOOOOOOO!!!! LEAVE FAITH ALONE!!!!!!!!!!
    *literal seconds later* Ooh, the red dress is nice!

  27. blaire. blaire i swear to fucking god do NOT go where i think you’re going.

    1. Although we left the circus, Blaire is still driving her clown car 🙂

  28. I am consumed by a sudden and powerful disdain for Blaire that’s no longer comedic.

    1. >:3 haha yes!!!

  29. DasFeministMermaid

    As a mom, I find this panel so shocking. Blaire is WAAAAAAY overstepping.
    I don’t even know what I would do in Violet’s place. She has Faith, asleep. Her priority is keep Faith restful and get her home. They’re still on the stairs? Faith is pretty heavy….. It’s not the time or place for a tirade, but I understand the rage that would well up, and the desire to set Blaire straight.
    Blaire is So Rude 😤

    1. I have high hopes for the kind of angry goose hissing that fits neatly into those moments where you need to eviscerate someone but also not wake the baby while doing it.

  30. -ominous music plays-

    You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby.

    1. God you’re so right.

  31. OHHHHHH DAMN, BLAIRE HAS CROSSED THE LINE…….. i just know that violet is going to tear her apart 😗✌️

    1. 👀👀👀👀👀

  32. Fight fight fight fight fight

  33. read the page three times before finally registered that Blair used “they” as a singular pronoun for Faith and not as a plural for kids in gen. Anyways, Violet, get her ass girl!

    1. God I wish that were me.

  34. I simultaneously want Blaire to keep talking just to see how deep of a hole she’ll dig herself and for her to shut the absolute fuck up before Violet decides to take PvP a little more literally 😂

    1. I think you’re going to LOVE the next page then, breastie 👀👀

  35. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO That’s it. mate, you theyed your last them!!! KICK HER ARSE VIOLET!!!

    Also just finished binging your comic, and I love it so so much! I am a bisexual woman, and I related to the characters quite a bit! Especially to Lex talking about how awkward she feels around other women, and how she doesn’t wanna come off creepy and pushy. I struggled so much with that! I also had a grandma with dementia, like Jaden, and it struck me right in the feels T_T. Also LEX I LOVE YOU I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU DEAR ;-;

    Sorry to hear about your patreon and the other social media, it sucks how TRAs are able to ruin anything on a whim. It’s like freedom of speech doesn’t exist on the internet anymore??? I would love to get some of your merch, but am not sure if you ship to Sakartvelo.

    Thank you for being such an amazing writer and artist, I am on the edge of my seat for the next chapters!

    1. “You they’d your last them” took me OUT, lmao!!

      Also welcome aboard, and thank you so much for reading!! I always love hearing thoughts from binge-readers. The longer the comic gets, the more amusing it is to watch women’s reactions as they catch up to the chaos. Wonderful commenters truly make all the nonsense from gendies (patreon, ect) worth it! I live to entertain <3

      I did a quick check re: LB’s redbubble merch and it looks like they do not ship to Sakartvelo (I also checked under the name Georgia, but no luck :/) However, re: physical print copies, I’m currently setting up another run of the first Volume as well as a second Volume. Once the proofs are finalized I will certainly look into locations!

      I hope you continue to enjoy the journey <3
      PS. RIP Alexis, gone but not forgotten U_U

  36. Ugh, I’m so out of the loop with Gender Stuff that when Blaire They/Themed Faith I didn’t even identify it as her assigning the kid a gender – I just assume that They/Them was referring to children in general.

  37. Catching up and!! Faith is such a good kid 🥺 And I am already 10000% in love with Ari 👀👀👀 and Blaire, stay the actual fuck away from that child oh my god.

  38. that conversation with blaire gave me HIVES

    1. Warning: do not read Blaire-centric pages without your antihistamines within reach.

  39. Longtime reader/lurker here! The absolute CHOKEHOLD this page has on me- since it came out I keep having dreams about the Violet & Blaire fallout! Excited (and nervous) to see what happens next!

    1. Lease Bound dreams damn!!!
      Welcome aboard to the comment section, also!
      I hope the next page doesn’t disappoint 🥰🥰

  40. Hey, just wanna send some love from Brazil an say I’d totally buy your comic book if I could have a physical copy. That would be awesome, I hope it’s feasible/something you’d like to do one day. Your storytelling is really compelling and it’s lovely to see how your art style changed since you first started this.
    Anyways, thank you for doing this and sharing your work with all of us 💖

    1. Helloo! 🇧🇷💚

      I am so glad you enjoy LB, thank you so much for reading and for your kind words.

      Regarding a physical copy: I am currently working towards a second print of Volume 1 (chapters 1-5) as well as a first print of Volume 2 (chapter 6-8). I think shipping to Brazil will be more than doable!

      I’ll keep you posted 🥰

  41. Blaire baby please answer me this. Whats up with you like in general. Can we change that whole siteuation

    1. Another woman joins the Distressed By Blaire club. Might have to rent a bigger venue soon 🤣

  42. Uuuugh I wish this was even an exaggeration of how they act!! I’ve literally known an ultra-ally woman like Blaire who assigned me they/them pronouns in casual conversation just bc I have short hair and normal clothes, despite hearing everyone around me referring to me as she. The gender headcanoning of real people just kills me, like girl leave me tf out of your gender religion pls, I am but a simple tomboy 😑😑😑

    1. Hearing how accurate people find my gendie portrayals is always such a double edged sword 😔😔.

      I’m being accurate to real life🥰
      I’m being accurate to real life…💀

      Many condolences for the real-life Blaire you met ❤❤

  43. Scared that Blaire is going to invite Timothy/QT Collective to Yonique in the future!
    But also excited of the possibility of watching the Yonique ladies putting them in their places with logic and truth.

    1. I think it would be less “logic and truth” and more this what Jaden described here.

    2. Seeing how small Gendie land is, I bet Yonique was labeled as “TERF hideout” as soon as the AGP got shunned, so I bet they would claim they cannot enter there because they’re not women, not let Timothy enter because he’s a man or do a kind of protest for the AGP group (like those haters doing remake fanarts).


  45. Oh my fucking god. She they/themed a child.

  46. 🛑🛑🛑 Stop it, Blaire!
    Get some help! 🛑🛑🛑

  47. Everyone so focused on Blaire theying Faith…
    I can’t ignore how she just orders Riley around!
    “Wear this”, “do that”…
    Where dis she get this, an incel alpha control handbook?!

    1. If only Riley wasn’t so dang attracted to her. She might have stood a chance 😔😔 #HornyLesbianHubris

  48. Hi
    I’m new and I just read all the back pages after seeing this one on tumblr

    1. Welcome aboard!

  49. I can see where this is going:

    Violet: My kid is a normal girl and she’s fine having hobbies even if they’re not meant for her. That doesn’t make her a man! That makes her a girl with normal hobbies!
    Blaire: Oh no… she’s a TERF!

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