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As Jaden's honourary friends I think we can all agree that Alexis is equally, lovely, super sweet and definitely a keeper <3


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15 August 2022 11:28 AM

They’re both so empathetic towards each other and I’m loving it! Jaden is vulnerable and Alexis tries to convince Jaden she’s loved, wanted, and appreciated not only by her but by her friends, too. And Jaden’s response? “You’re gonna get soaked.” Jaden’s thoughts are for Alexis’s good, wanting her to stay dry and comfortable even while Jaden is hurting. Alexis waves it off with an “I’ll dry” and continues to say how much she wishes they had met earlier and how much she’d want to be her friend even if they didn’t date. And offers to make friends WITH Jaden! That’s so sweet!!

THEN THE BIG “I LOVE YOU” BOMB HITS. What will Alexis’s reaction to that be??? Will she say it back??

I watched the video showing the upcoming characters and I feel soooo badly for Tiffany, who’s dating a guy 8 years older than her who only goes along with her identities as long as it gives him access to sex. :'( I’ve been friends with many women who are treated that way by men (not related to gender identities, but it doesn’t matter what it’s about when all the women are treated the same in the end, anyway). Men who look down on women (especially when the man is much older than the woman), but beg to date and have sex with them. And Elissa envies Tiffany’s relationship?? Noooo! I want to help all of them!

I’m also concerned about the 35-year old man who joined a university club that gives him regular access to young college girls. And he’s in a President role which gives him the most power, influence, seat of respect, and authority over the young girls. Oh no. I’ve met plenty of older students in university, but none try to join clubs full of people 15+ years younger than them unless it’s in a paid administrative position where that’s their full-time job to oversee university clubs as a whole.

15 August 2022 6:55 PM


i love this. Like pretty early on I can’t help but kinda compare the Jaden/Lex dynamic with the Riley/Blair dynamic. I haven’t seen enough of them all to get too analytical but it’s just… so interesting to notice how differently Alex responds in comparison to Blair. Both of these women SEE the pain and trauma that Jaden and Riley have gone through and it’s just interesting to see how they respond to the pain….

I don’t even know if Blair does it ON PURPOSE… I think her intentions are good, but she seems to create more doubt and confusion in Riley when Riley is approaching her with a problem. And Blair almost seems to create a level of reliance with Riley… Like I’m sure Riley looks at Blair and thinks “I owe her so much for the times she paid my rent, all the times she listened to my suffering, all the times she patiently explained things I don’t understand etc etc”… I think people can be manipulators without even realizing it sometimes. Riley’s life is deeply intertwined with Blair’s….

Meanwhile, Alex just seems to acknowledge Jaden’s reality. She sees Jaden’s misery, acknowledges it sucks, doesn’t try to tell Jaden more about her own life (the way Blair encourages Riley to ANALYZE HERSELF or whatever lol) Sometimes she might offer a gentle solution, let’s make more friends if you want! but Alex doesn’t seem to be doing this “oh you are suffering and I am the only one who GETS IT, don’t worry you have me BABE” thing which I get the impression Blair kinda does.

Both Jaden and Riley are coming from places of massive isolation as well… Friendless Jaden could have been easy for a person to manipulate… And Riley with her no family situation has been homeless, ugh of course things get sticky with her when she meets the wrong person….

Tho this is when Alex and Jaden’s relationship is very new. Of course Blair and Riley are more intertwined, we see them when they’ve been through much more together.

and of course that’s just what I think so far. I might be misremembering or missing aspects of Riley and Blair, sometimes I forget story elements since it’s been weeks since I saw a page. This is one of the reasons I love it when you would point stuff out on your tumblr, for us people who forgot HA.

16 August 2022 6:51 AM

I’m far too attached to Alexis…

Also I’m mostly missing the bar staff. I’m already forgetting their names but the huge redhead can get it.

16 August 2022 11:18 AM

oh i am feeling emotions!! also yay @ jaden getting a hug 🙏🥹💞

18 August 2022 2:54 PM

I’m so annoyed that your patreon got suspended, bc I was ready to give you more money to keep making this comic. Still can’t get over the fact that you were talking to someone named Blaire through the whole thing, lmao. Oh, the irony.

My print copy of LB arrived safe and sound, also! So happy to have it on my shelf.

19 August 2022 12:25 PM

wait did your Patreon get suspended for thoughtcrimes… Jesus
ALSO OH GOD I’m worried what Alexis will say