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And they're off! Thank you for all the lovely messages over on tumblr about these new pages! See you again on December 1st!

9 thoughts on “CH7P2

  1. She should’ve held her waist. Smh.

    1. They did just meet eachother a day ago πŸ˜… give it time!

  2. omg that last frame is to die for! I kinda want it as a phone wallpaper tbh.

    thank you for keeping this comic running and i hope you settled into your new place ok.

    Can’t wait to see the rest. <3

    1. You’re more that welcome to use it as a wallpaper ! I’d be flattered πŸ₯°

      We are well settled now too, Thank you!


  4. Riley is so cute in this omg

    1. Thank you! This chapter is all about cute comic relief tbh!

  5. This is my favorite page of Leasebound because of the face Riley’s making in the last panel. She’s so cool!!!!!

    She knows what she’s doing! She knows this city and the best places to go! She can get there fast and she’s a safe driver! She’s confident!!!

    Honestly this whole section where she’s riding around with Jaden is my favorite, but this page is the best because I want to see her make that face a lot more.

  6. These pages were colored so beautifully and the paneling was pleasing as well. Both adorable in these images. It’s nice to see so many innocent type of characters, finding out how many grownups were gross was really rough for myself growing up. I just didn’t want to do a lot of awful, addictive, shallow, mean things that everyone else seemed into.

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