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Bonus Monthly Update!
You've reached a safe page, please enjoy Faith's sense of priorities while you recover from Monday's update.

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Miss Moira
Miss Moira
3 May 2023 11:32 PM

The lighting on this page is so gorgeous!

But now I’m just picturing the disaster that’s likely looming if and when the members of Yonique meet Blaire… 😟

3 May 2023 11:44 PM

This page is beautiful first of all.

Second, I live in fear of what happens when the gendie gang meets the Yonique members. And also when Blaire meets faith. So naturally I cannot wait for that to happen.

3 May 2023 11:48 PM

is faith gonna be a lesbian as well?

3 May 2023 11:54 PM

Have we got a cast page for the awful man of the previous page yet?

3 May 2023 11:54 PM

Absolutely gorgeous page also, the light is amazing

4 May 2023 12:23 AM

Thank you♥️

Wabber Bobble
Wabber Bobble
4 May 2023 12:43 AM

Such beautiful and vivid colors. Well done!

4 May 2023 12:49 AM

I’m blown away by how much your art has improved since the beginning of Leasebound! The colors look so pretty!

4 May 2023 3:04 AM

This is such a pretty page, great job! Also, Faith continues to be the absolute cutest, I hope she’s okay with having a doting but not related aunt?

4 May 2023 3:44 AM

Physical challenge: say transwomen are women or eat an entire lemon 😏 I can’t wait for the party tbh I know it’s gonna be hilarious and painful (ready for the pain)

Btw I love how you integrated real photos into your comic with the drawn sky! And Faith turned her hat around to match Jaden, really cute detail 💖

4 May 2023 3:57 AM

God this page is gorgeous with the lighting and the color choices!
Also Faith is so sweet as always 😭

4 May 2023 4:30 AM

The colors are so freaking beautiful 😭😭😭
Kory is right, violet does look fine 👀

4 May 2023 4:39 AM

Thank you for the birthday wishes!! 🥰
I appreciate EVERY LB update, even if I have to bleach my eyes afterwards bc of male abominations 🤮
Blaire shouldn’t run to the Coffeeshop but to the next busstation and skip town … Dreading to see more of Sir MustyBalloonBoobs

4 May 2023 8:20 AM

Decades and decades of “Oh, we’re roommates” or “That’s my daughter’s roommate”.
This time they really are roommates and someone doesn’t believe them 😀

Pam Dang
Pam Dang
4 May 2023 4:07 PM

Awwwww Faith turned her cap around to look like Jaden!! 🥺🥺😭

4 May 2023 9:28 PM

YESS THE NORMAL WOMEN ARE BACK! Violet is so pretty I love her sm… What a beautiful page as well it’s so pleasant to look at, love the evolution of your artstyle throughout the years 🥺

4 May 2023 11:54 PM

I wasn’t trashing LB, I was just making an observation that like most BL stories, everyone being gay kinda takes me out of the story(that and the somewhat questionable portrayal of some of the WOC characters)
Believe me I was a messed up place and I was suffering from an addiction to yaoi, If you look up the actual history, since its inception BL was a way of women to basically project their desires through the vassal of feminized young boys and over consumption of it leads to trooning out, also most lesbians(at least the one’s I know) have men and straight women their lives, friends, brothers, sisters, fathers and sons and daughters, cause they live in the world

5 May 2023 12:03 AM

Every new page showcases the growth in your art, this one is stunning!!!! Also, am I the only one who loves the gendie pages? It’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from.

5 May 2023 7:51 AM

I just started this series, it’s so neat! Thanks for creating it. Looking forward to the next page as always.

5 May 2023 11:02 AM

Hmmmmmmm… Is that a bit of jealousy I sense from Violet..? Also, this page is stunning!

5 May 2023 10:53 PM

then the “questionable woc”, then it’s actually “all the black women are too tall and independent”, and then when your assumptions were proved wrong once again you reveal it’s specifically Jaden who makes who uncomfortable (and a black girl standing up to her bully).
both are related, and standing up to a bully in a physical confrontation for girls can actually be a danger for them
>Get back to me once you’ve read Chapter 4: Endure and the last few pages of Chapter 10: Her Burden with an apology for lying out of your ass on this specifically.
already have read those parts and it does not take away from what i said, cause its too WOC

Anyway I probably have more agreements hen disagreements, though maybe not on motherhood(I personally do think it can be beautiful and powerful)

7 May 2023 9:50 AM

He’s 37??! 😭

7 May 2023 9:56 AM

I scroll to the comments to an absurd amount of talking about why aren’t there straight or male characters and it spooked me that my comment a few weeks ago ( jokingly pining for a gay headcanon boyfriend) might have had the same impression 😳😳
For the Record, my gay male ass fell in love with the comic cause theres so few wholesome lesbian love stories online that aren’t just fetishism.

Also, random thought, if I recall correctly there are straight characters running around this anyway so….what even was the problem? Its not like its straight erasure (lord give me strengh) its just they aren’t the focus of a lesbian love comic involving a lesbian who works at a lesbian bar and lives with another lesbian

8 May 2023 2:28 AM

I absolutely ADORE the side profiles you do of Jaden in this page and P18 for this chapter! They look so well-proportioned and so smooth! I don’t nearly create art as much as I used to, but I always used to struggle with those types of character drawings, and yet you making it look effortless, and the phenomenonal growth your art has undertaken over these past few years, makes me consider getting back into my old hobby again!

8 May 2023 9:54 PM

Omg the lighting is just sooooo perfect, your pages lately are also so well composed and the colors do pretty i love it .<

11 May 2023 8:09 AM
