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13 November 2022 11:44 PM

Aw poor baby Jaden 🙁

14 November 2022 1:24 AM

Wait…is that Reimu And Marisa in May background?!

14 November 2022 4:41 PM

HOLY HECK!! After reading this comic in silent as a secret lesbian after a whole year and never commenting or anything… I just needed to say I felt this. I skipped 3 weeks in a row of my senior year of highschool after my breakup with my FIRST ever girlfriend. For the first time ever I felt in love with a woman my own personal woman and it was gone in like 3 months… I relate to Jaden so much!! I love her!

15 November 2022 12:22 AM

So this has been playing on my mind … what happened to Alexis’ friends from Page 39? They seemed to really like Jaden. Did they forget about her? Did they reach out to offer support and get pushed away? Or were they just distracted by their fiancés and babies?

16 November 2022 3:08 AM

aaaah poor jaden! also, love how you showed the passage of time + jaden’s mental state through these panels…v impactful!

27 November 2022 11:36 AM

I’m catching back up to this comic since I hadn’t read any new pages since the Patreon thing (it was nice getting the pages in my email… also I can’t believe the comment that got you in trouble was a reply to… me. Awkward, haha.) But, anyway the Touhou cameo is so unexpected and I love it. As opposed to the end of Jalexis, which is very expected and I don’t love it. 🙁 Aah, this chapter is so emotionally powerful though… roller coaster.

28 December 2022 5:55 AM

Nooooooo Jaden, don’t quit!! Don’t drop out!! I know it’s going to happen anyway but YOU GOTTA GET THAT AWESOME JOB, STABLE LIFE, AND CASH, GIRL! NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE AWAY YOUR DEGREE! NO ONE!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Just take some time off to heal and come back with FIRE IN YOUR VEINS TO DO SO WELL IT BLOWS APART YOUR LOSS AND TURNS IT INTO THE WILD, UNTAMED SPIRIT IN YOUR HEART THAT WILL NEVER DIE *BATTLE SCREAM*!!!!!!!! (that’s what I did lol)

Also, whenever I try to post, the webpage keeps saying “Denied, too many attempts”. I gotta copy my responses before I send them in case I need to refresh and send them again since it’s easy to lose them when the website doesn’t like me!

23 December 2024 12:19 AM

Bruh, dopping out bc of a girl is crazy, but I’m glad female Goku made an appearance in the second panel