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Completely unseen page - even by my beloved, previous patrons! Time to catch Alexis up on the first 25 pages of this chapter (in one page dw), lmao.

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18 July 2022 6:04 AM

First of all I am so sorry for the horrible harassment and the entire patreon thing! I love your comic and have been reading it for quite some time but never commented. But I thought now would be a good time to show some support. You are an amazing artist and I hope that you will be able to continue to do your fantastic work in the future!

A side note: I love Alexis. I am a bi woman with long hair (even though it’s more frizzy/thinner than hers) and dark under eyes and I feel represented lol. It’s extremely rare that a bi female character feels relatable to me. Even though I never dated men (unfortunately had sex with them) and even though I have quite some experience with women, Alexis feels like a younger version of me. I really hope this isn’t going down the “she’s bi so she is cheating on women/leaving women with/for men” route. I know many bi women do that. But bi women like me also exist (heavy preference for women and only dating women by choice) and I’d like to see that more. If you are going down the other route that’s fine too of course (it’s a sad reality so I get when it’s depicted in a comic about lesbian experiences)! It’s just a personal preference and hope.

No matter what, I love your comic and I love seeing how your art style evolves <3

18 July 2022 4:15 PM

i miss being a patron but i’m excited to see this page nonetheless ha! is it easier at all getting a little extra time before people are seeing the pages or do you miss it?

i feel so bad for jaden, it’s always an interesting sensation to miss someone who’s still a part of your life. must be even trickier when she can’t help but be exhausted by the entire situation.

i feel for alexis too because it’s always an awkward situation empathizing with and relating to your girlfriend, learning about her family struggles, but still not being actually involved in them– it’s almost parasocial because you know them and the affect they have on your most beloved person, but you don’t actually know them. it’s a weird situation. seeing how tired both josie and jaden are and being out in a very intimate spot with complete strangers.

i’m very curious to see the relationship between alexis and jaden progress and seeing how alexis interacts more with both of them, since present day josie seems to have a bit of a negative view on alexis (blaming her for jaden leaving school)

19 July 2022 8:33 AM

Welcome back, Rusty! Thank you so much and I dearly hope you had a moment to catch your breath. I admire your ability to create in the midst of such vitriol and unfairness.
I’m delighted to hear you feel the same as I do about cheating plot lines. I think modeling integrity is important and sadly missing in nearly all m media.
Thanks again! <3

26 July 2022 9:34 AM

Jaden’s NEVER met her other grandmother? That’s so sad because it hints that Jaden has been cut off from her father’s side of the family her entire life! Why?? I ask this before I click the next page which might tell me the explanation…