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CH11: ASK THE CAST Most Voted!

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17 September 2023 9:09 PM

Oh no the last one 😭😭😭😭😭😭

17 September 2023 9:22 PM

JADEN OUCHHH that really breaks my heart aaaa, I really hope we can see Alexis happy and well at some point in the comic..

even if she can’t be with Jaden I want her to be happy …

Lil Faith is so cute, love how she has a gamer mum and a chill grandma
Also smhhh I was really hoping Tiffany would actually have to rethink her position… MJ is still so cute tho, love her lil mullet… She and Blaire would be so good together I can feel it

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
17 September 2023 9:31 PM

making me see the answer with Tiffany and then sucker punching me in the head with Alexis….. you don’t HAVE to do it to ‘em, Rusty……

17 September 2023 10:23 PM

The happiness and smile the first two brought to m before being absolutely DEMOLISHED by the TRAIN that that last panels was girl you are EVIL!!!!!!!

Miss Kory
Miss Kory
17 September 2023 10:42 PM

Violet still being the coolest mom ❤️ it reminds me of my own mom playing tetris for us and super mario 🥺

and ruth ! Wanting the haters to know they are Blocked ! Don’t worry Ruth, people deduce they are blocked if the site doesn’t tell them directly.

And Jaden ;_; right in the heart ToT

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
17 September 2023 10:53 PM

also now that i’ve had a moment to breathe lol, Tif’s self contradiction at saying to identify out of misogyny since it’s so bad but also rejecting the questioner trying to do EXACTLY WHAT SHE SAID and id out of experiencing tiffany’s misogyny, lol. i feel like it just reveals the truth underneath: that she’s a narc and just feels like she SPECIFICALLY is entitled to special treatment. Cannot stand her 👊😔

Jay (-den stan)
Jay (-den stan)
17 September 2023 10:54 PM

Ugh Jaden love I’m so sorry 😥 It’ll get better I promise, just hold on, your butch in shining button ups is on her way!

Also Violet helping Faith beat the game and Faith helping Ruth with technology is so fricken cute and relatable, I honestly love all her interactions with the LB ladies, this is how childrearing should be imo, the nuclear family dyanamic where the woman does all the actual work and the man is the “breadwinner” who doesn’t have to do shit because he fucks off half the day and does the “real work” is honestly one of the worst things to come out of the patriarchy, love seeing communal childrearing 🤗

Please tell me Tiffany get’s what’s coming to her? I don’t usually like seeing men tear down women but I want to see Tif try it on with a GC tehm and get roasted so bad… she’ll prolly still find a way to blame a woman for it tho 😒

If men hate “toxic masculinity” (patrairchy/misogyny backfiring) so much why do they not get flack like “CB’s” for still identifying as men Tiffany? Hmm? Also I thought you couldn’t choose how you identify? Did you just misgender agender anon?! Good thing Tiffany’s hypocrisy goes ignored by the other QT’s because with the amount of transphobia this girl be spittin, Mr. Milkers would have D cups by now 😨

17 September 2023 11:01 PM

Also, this doesn’t have anything to do with Leasebound (pls forgive me for my sin 😔) but if possible could you implement a comment edit feature on the website? I also can’t wrap my head around how to make an official account so I can have a pfp?

the person who (foolishly) asked kai that question
the person who (foolishly) asked kai that question
17 September 2023 11:02 PM

“if you have to ask the difference between cis bitches and trans women you’re probably not agender.”
this seems like a pretty crude bioessentialist answer kai, are you saying there are obvious differences between trans women and cis women?

i don’t see gender because i’m a gender abolitionist (which is a thing plenty of nonbinary people are btw, check your binary privilege to assume im not). you’re using your male privilege rn to oppress me just bc i don’t conform to your idea of what an agender person should look or sound like. unlike you, i CAN’T distinguish between cis and trans women bc i’m not a transphobic bio essentialist fascist. babygirl and blaire are exactly the same at the core beyond superficial differences and deserve to be treated as such because they’re obviously both women who deserve respect.

in summary, fuck you, your ugly boyfriend doesn’t even wipe his ass, and your eyeshadow looks like shit, bye.

did i win? anyways my desire to hit this asshole with a car goes stronger every day. i never want to see babygirl in a panel again but i would looooove to see kai get corrected for being such a mean girl.

someone should point out that HEY KAI it would really girl babygirl euphoria if you stopped treating him differently than all the other women so maybe you should just start treating all women better (bc babygirl obviously doesn’t deserve to be ostracized, right?).

this is my cope for a canonical way that would force kai to treat blaire better

anyways i’m thinking too hard about this. damn you rusty, why did you do this to my brain on a beautiful sunday afternoon

17 September 2023 11:53 PM

Ruth’s popsocket with the labrys flag made me so happy 😭

18 September 2023 12:00 AM

Why doesn’t Blaire become a she/they to roast Kai and get her to realize that she’s being that one girl in every yaoi? You know what I mean.

Wabber Bobble
Wabber Bobble
18 September 2023 1:07 AM

MJ, run away with me… I would treat you so much better…

And ok wowwww, just gonna have to walk off that gut punch at the end. OOF. At least we have the next 2 weeks of fun stuff to look forward to and then CHAPTER 12 🤩

18 September 2023 3:33 AM

ya Allah i’d say touch grass but at this point i dont think even that can save kai i think she needs to work as a farmhand for a good 3-4 years

18 September 2023 4:52 AM

JADEN MY HEART and omg I love Ruth! I also love/hate how well you understand the gendie mind.

The whole “cis women totally enforce/cause transphobia committed by men!” is a belief that always enrages me so much, and it’s exactly the sort of thing a misogynist like Tiffany would glom on to immediately to exonerate her precious MEN.

Remember, anything bad that men ever did was SOMEHOW women’s fault, folks!

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
18 September 2023 7:54 AM

Awww Ruth and little Faith bonding over their own generational gap lmao. And it’s so cool how her mom is literally a gamer; Violet, the next jazzyguns, hello???

And I kneeeewwwww Jaden’s answer was going to be emotional, like….asking on emo music, like it wasn’t one of the main reasons she connected with Alexis– you all knew what you were doing. Though the image of Jaden next to her teenage self was pretty nice!

Also…comon gyns, you all knew how that tiff question was gonna go. Might as well just have picked your favorite– NB/trasmisogyny exempt/23/ACAB/TERFS AND FREAKS DON’T INTERACT and just drop that in her mailbox. I know y’all got tumblr, so you can do it, lol

18 September 2023 9:15 AM

also “CB fetishize gay men and trans men get blamed” the irony, the accuracy ;-; Het TiFs are truly the Spider-Man pointing meme

Parniya’s biggest fan
Parniya’s biggest fan
18 September 2023 4:50 PM

I BET the man that Ruth wanted to block was a TIM 😂

18 September 2023 6:32 PM


The second ATC was hands down the best. That level of sweetness that makes you shake and twitch and feel all giddy and warm. It was a treat, it was medicine, it was everything.

absolutely LOVE the proficient gamer side of Vi 😭😭😭 go big momma! (tbqh i’m stuck between wishing she finds a wonderful muscly wife somewhere soon or leaving her be as an epic single mom and showing that different dynamic)

and and oh my gosh gynocentric shonen AU with Ruth and Faith as protags when??? I mean just look at them! Imagine, they ride on a giant (female ofc) loyal creature, solving mysteries and exploring the world an-**gets ran over by Jaden’s memories materialized as a truck**

Normal person
Normal person
19 September 2023 8:55 AM

Oh god damnit MJ! I overall think she’s one of the better people out of the gendies, but I’m so disappointed here… Before she actually seemed/looked slightly uncomfortable with some of Tiffany’s shit, but I guess at the end of the day if she enables it then she’s supporting it.

The other comics are adorable too – absolutely love seeing Faith’s dynamic with the adults in her life. Seeing Alexis again was a sad surprise… I really hope that eventually we’ll get to see her in the present again, but I’m not holding my breath.

Your local tortoiseshell cat
Your local tortoiseshell cat
19 September 2023 10:02 AM

This is absolutely just me projecting my own favorites onto the characters, and I know it will never be canon due to copyrighted material, but this comic did give me the motivation to share my own headcanons for Faith and Jaden’s tastes.

I picture Faith also playing Armello – my own personal favorite video game, which was made by an Australian development team, and one that I come back to along with Heartbeat for female character design inspiration among games. (I firmly believe we need more designs like Patch from Heartbeat and Elyssia from Armello – I’m fully aware that I’m definitely biased towards female characters wearing vests/waistcoats specifically.)

As for Jaden, I imagine her rocking out to the song Seneca Falls by The Distillers. Their frontwoman, Brody Dalle, is someone I absolutely consider a massive inspiration in terms of musical talent (and she is also originally from Australia).

Between Leasebound, Armello, and Brody Dalle, I have to say that Australia is really getting things right for appealing to my tastes, haha!

20 September 2023 8:17 AM

Hey Rusty,
I binged the whole story a few months ago and wanted to come back to say, I love your work and I’m really looking forward to chapter 12.

As both a reader and a comic artist I’ve been looking for more radfem/GC comic artists to follow but I’ve had little joy. I’d love to get some recommendations if you know of any.


23 September 2023 8:57 AM

ugh that image of jaden looking lovingly at her younger self is giving me feelings. how is normie Jaden both the least and most relatable character? lmao

also, you’re so skilled at drawing the tree shadows; I’d love to see more shadows like that throughout the comic. it reminds me of sseongryul’s use of shadows in her work.

I’m sorry if you get this comparison all the time, but the relationship Faith and Violet have with the Yonique women reminds me so much of a similar situation in Alison Bechdel’s dykes to watch out for. 𓆩♡𓆪

24 September 2023 9:04 PM

Genuine question. Why do you choose to refer to Blaire’s friends by their birth names rather than the names they want to be called (with the notable exception of Babygirl, whose birth name I don’t remember because I don’t think you’ve used it in a while)? Regardless of how you feel about their gender, names are just names. Many names in LB are commonly considered gender neutral: Kai, Brick (I guess?), Alexis, Riley, Jaden, Blaire, Clancy…you get the idea. So I know you don’t have a problem referring to women with names that aren’t considered exclusively feminine.

27 September 2023 9:59 AM

PERSONALLY I will be absolutely thrilled every single time Alex makes an (sort-of) appearance in this comic. i love her. she was so cool and lovable and i lovE HER. I love her lingering ghost.

Also I’ve been thinking about the Contrast between Jaden and Riley. Jaden keeps dropping Sadness out Accidentally, you ask her a normal question and she’s like AND HERE’S MY TRAGIC ANSWER, and she’ll say “oh my dad’s dead” in the middle of a tense conversation (queen moment i’m still not over it) Jaden was taught to be authentic. She KNEW how her mom felt, Her mom was so honest. Jaden is also honest and so real. We don’t have to wonder or be surprised with her because she TELLS US. man jaden i appreciate you

Meanwhile asking Riley questions people expect to be sad, or where the answer is sad, Riley is just like UHM. WELL. VAGUE RESPONSE. She usually does not willingly take us into flashbacks. Whenever we got a flashback from Riley, I have the impression that’s author imposition, not Riley saying “HERE YOU GO AUDIENCE HERE’S A PIECE OF MY SOUL”. Riley doesn’t do that for us. Jaden does. Tho I could be wrong, that’s how I keep reading these answers lately lol.

one of these women is so Authentic and the other one feels like she has to hide EVERYTHING, Unless it’s something that’s like useful or beneficial to other people. no sadness no being trouble no being difficult. Compared to Jaden who usually isn’t like “no i can’t be myself I’d be too much of a downer”… obviously Jaden tries to be strong and put up fronts, she does, but she’s not NEARLY as bad off as poor Riley is, from what I can tell

I think its so cool that their characterization seems to seep into these answers to questions. at least thats how I see it

10 October 2023 12:40 PM

The Faith questions were a good palette cleanser after Kai, and poor Jaiden.

3 October 2024 10:43 AM

I miss the woman I feel in love too, Jaiden… Hopefully it’ll get easier with time ❤️‍🩹

7 February 2025 10:05 AM

MJ and Tiffany look so cute together