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You know saying 'I'm not particularly invested one way or the other' would have been MUCH shorter, Officer Bustington.

8 thoughts on “CH4P13

  1. NO ID JUST TAMPONS I started rereading this morning and I’m still laughing at how real that is

    1. So many ppl missed this one, glad it got a laugh!
      Gendies on some forums were quite unhappy with this ‘as if a woman would randomly carry around just tampons’…. yeah that’s the point πŸ™‚

  2. I do not understand the tampon reference?

    1. It’s referencing a niche of trans identified males who ran forums discussing how they would insert tampons into their anuses for sexual gratification because it made them feel, “womanly”. Many discussed going into sanitary bins for used ones too.

      1. Yech.
        A tampon not properly placed in the vagina is hella uncomfortable. I can’t imagine the sensation of a dry tampon in the anus.
        Also, periods are anything but erotic. I speak from the lived experience of 40 years of monthly misery. Trust an autogynephile to delude himself there’s something erotic about menstruation.


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