Idk what comments have been more entertaining so far gyns, the unyielding thirst or the cringing into oblivion. I love you all so much. As thank you, here's another gender-flavoured gut punch <3 Mullet Woman's bio is now up on the cast page too >:3c __ EDIT: I've changed the gendie band name from ENV/BY to NBNV (Enby Envy when said out loud), because I think it's clearer. Thanks for the feedback on that.
48 8278


Idk what comments have been more entertaining so far gyns, the unyielding thirst or the cringing into oblivion. I love you all so much. As thank you, here's another gender-flavoured gut punch <3

Mullet Woman's bio is now up on the cast page too >:3c


I've changed the gendie band name from ENV/BY to NBNV (Enby Envy when said out loud), because I think it's clearer.
Thanks for the feedback on that.



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Sex Is Observable
Sex Is Observable
16 January 2023 1:13 AM

So you agree Blaire.. You know Jaiyden is a woman.

16 January 2023 1:47 AM

“I don’t think Jaden is a transwoman” yes Blaire, because unlike nonbinary enby masc poly star gender, male/female is still instantly clockable πŸ˜‚

16 January 2023 1:50 AM

Oh oh oh no Blaire’s about to commit transphobic crime 🀣

I would die for Blaire
I would die for Blaire
16 January 2023 2:01 AM

NO BLAIRE WATCH OUT! *I say this while jumping infront of Blaire to shield her from Brick’s wrath*

16 January 2023 3:06 AM

I really do feel for Blaire here. The panel three expression looks like a very familiar feeling of trying to but being unable to keep up with how the discourse has shifted again. Hold on to that discomfort, Blaire! Your gut knows the truth!

16 January 2023 3:23 AM

Someone call a SWAT team. I think a bomb in Brick’s head is about to go off.

16 January 2023 3:50 AM

watching these folx debate over whether Jaden is in their q-slur club or not is giving me mega cringe-these recent pages have given me a firm resolve to never dye my hair again (but especially greens and blues D’: ).

it is causing me physical pain, quite a gift of storytelling and characterization <3

I hope we get an un-makeover radicalizing of Blaire before the series is over, I'm still shooketh by the pics of her au-naturale!

16 January 2023 5:17 AM

Haha oh god is blaire going to get kicked out of the group for implying she knows jaden is female 😡 maybe blaire still has hope for peaktrans πŸ₯²

Blaire's Wife
Blaire's Wife
16 January 2023 8:35 AM

Blaire peaking speedrun any% (real)

16 January 2023 9:02 AM

I am the person who made the leasebound main cast on Sims 2 a while ago, I thought you might like to know I already made Brick too, though now I play Sims 3 instead. I just don’t have an Instagram anymore to show them off. I love these little cringe lords lol, I can’t wait to see where all this builds to!

Vitamin C
Vitamin C
16 January 2023 10:04 AM

These girls have just made their first appearance and have already managed to be racist against Jaden. Though it is very accurate to reality, TRA insistence that black women are indistinguishable by looks from men. Very curious to see what picture Blaire has found and how her friends will react to it.

16 January 2023 11:32 AM

Can’t believe they haven’t even considered if she might be a bio transwoman.

16 January 2023 11:53 AM

“I don’t think Jaden’s a transwoman” Oh??? I thought you couldn’t tell someone’s sex by looking at them?? Suspiciously terfy of u, Blaire

Miss Moira
Miss Moira
16 January 2023 4:14 PM

I love how β€œbutch trans woman” is a suggestion, but the idea of Jaden being normal masc lesbian apparently doesn’t even cross their minds πŸ’€

16 January 2023 7:56 PM

Everyone here like “I want Blaire to peak” No no no I want to see how much worse Blaire can get, I want her to go home absolutely wasted on gender and ready to fight

16 January 2023 9:44 PM

Can’t wait to see what happens next! LB updates make Mondays worthwhile lol

16 January 2023 10:59 PM

WLW bar is absolutely cracking me up

17 January 2023 8:31 AM

This isn’t related to this page at all but when I saw “Marsta” on the cast page for the first time I didn’t know it stood for marriage status. I thought it was an Australian term for relationship status.

17 January 2023 12:33 PM

does blaire have a tattoo on her thigh?? or is she wearing tights?

Norm L. Esbian
Norm L. Esbian
17 January 2023 2:06 PM

so you agree, Jaden is observably a woman

17 January 2023 9:27 PM

I actually really love how colorful the pages with the gendie gang are with their pretty colorful hair πŸ˜…
Do I dare ask what env/by play is? I tried googling it and nothing relevant came up, but I almost think that might be for the best, sometimes ignorance really is bliss.

18 January 2023 3:57 PM

WLW bar? Ruth has a word or two to dare to call her club with that nonsense

19 January 2023 6:51 AM

Had to talk about this somewhere-but I had to unfollow an artist because she insists on calling things queer and ‘if you have a problem then that’s your issue TERF’

Wabber Bobble
Wabber Bobble
19 January 2023 8:27 AM

I could fix the bi mullet-haver
I know I could, Rusty…

Left-Handed Lesbian
Left-Handed Lesbian
20 January 2023 4:41 PM

I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!! I just caught up, after I read last chapter on Webtoon. I was so confused reading it there, but now I know the rest of the story it makes sense lol

long-time reader who decided to stop being a coward and comment for once lol
long-time reader who decided to stop being a coward and comment for once lol
21 January 2023 7:12 AM

I love/hate how Brick clearly has no thoughts of her own here. She’s just going along with what others have said, and I’ve done that myself too often in the past. Just go along with whatever, keep your head down, hold your tongue, avoid confrontations, like so many women do… I got better though muahaha >:3

On the other hand she’s sexist and homophobic sooooo… I have no sympathy for her, lol.

Ms. Clicker
Ms. Clicker
22 January 2023 11:49 AM

Blaire: *pulls out the photo in slow mo*
Me: *Screaming no from the other end of the room, running and trying to stop her.* YOU FOOOOL!!!
At least egghead persephone or whatever isnt around they may catch her some slack since it’s a bunch of women.
I know everybody is going on and on about Blaire peakign and what not but….leasebound readers….I offer to you…


But in all seriousness, reading about gender afflicted bottom feeders, and they/themers is funny and all, but I think it would be interesting to have some more articulated TRA like the people who believe in gender accelerationism or the like. Just think it would spice things up and add depth over someone who seriously considers things like ‘demi-romantic’. Just a thought tho, i know you may not want to get this all deeply political stuff into the comic.